LibreLink and Echo Plus pen

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
When I got my Echo Plus pen early this year, I wasn't overly keen to use it and there were plenty of indifferent opinions as to the value of uploading automatically, so I didn't bother.

Then there were a couple of instances where I wanted to confirm what my jab before last was, so I configured it and uploaded all the readings since the beginning of time! Duplicating all the stuff I'd put in manually. After mucking around I deleted the 'device' from LibreView which cleaned up that end, and manually deleted all the entries in LL.

There is no way to say 'upload from NOW!

Anyway I want to start uploading again, but without the duplication. So how's this for a plan:-

1. Connect pen to LL.
2. Scan and collect all the readings, duplicating months worth.

NB, at this point LL will now it's NOW and not to download any prior to that, so my next pen scan will collect nothing.

3. In LV delete the device - no duplicates for the past months.
4. I expect the pen to be paired with LL still.
5. Scan after next jab.
6. Fingers crossed just one new pen record.

Am I missing anything?

Before I blunder in, does it still upload 'air shots'?
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