Libre3 repeat alarms

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Relationship to Diabetes
My son has a libre3 and we use librelinkup we’re really struggling with repeat alarms. For each hypo or hyper we’re getting the alarms 2-5 times! We’re getting alarm fatigue and it’s making us want to move to another sensor! No feedback from Abbott yet wonder if anyone else is having this issue and has found a way around it?
I have no experience of L3, but the L2 plays what appears as 4 times in quick succession, then stops to draw breath. If you don't acknowledge it it will do it again, and again. If you scan the sensor it will stop.

I assume this strategy is to keep on at you until it knows you are aware of the alarm and haven't just missed it.

Maybe L3 works the same. It would make sense.
I have no experience of L3, but the L2 plays what appears as 4 times in quick succession, then stops to draw breath. If you don't acknowledge it it will do it again, and again. If you scan the sensor it will stop.

I assume this strategy is to keep on at you until it knows you are aware of the alarm and haven't just missed it.

Maybe L3 works the same. It would make sense.
I thought the same. But as you don’t scan the 3 it’s like it doesn’t know you’ve seen the alarm so it always just keeps alarming! Maybe it’s something they missed in the upgrade.
It’s so annoying. Especially as we have 2 phones on linkup so they get the multiple alarms too!
Sorry to hear you are getting alarm fatigue :(

Acknowledging the alarms is important with Dex/tSlim, otherwise they just bleat on and on endlessly. And looking visually isn’t enough, I have to go through the (irritating) unlock process and the. click the ‘OK’.

Not sure what the L3 equivalent is as it’s a while since I have used Libre regularly.

Aside from that, most sensors have adjustable ‘repeats’ (the intervals after which the alarm will be triggered again). Often there’s a balance to be struck between the nag of alarm fatigue, and actually alarm repeats being pretty useful in many ways - some glucose excursions need repeated treatments!
I thought the same. But as you don’t scan the 3 it’s like it doesn’t know you’ve seen the alarm so it always just keeps alarming! Maybe it’s something they missed in the upgrade.
It’s so annoying. Especially as we have 2 phones on linkup so they get the multiple alarms too!

Do you actually 'dismiss' the notification off the screen (dragging left/right) on Android.
Sorry to hear you are getting alarm fatigue :(

Acknowledging the alarms is important with Dex/tSlim, otherwise they just bleat on and on endlessly. And looking visually isn’t enough, I have to go through the (irritating) unlock process and the. click the ‘OK’.

Not sure what the L3 equivalent is as it’s a while since I have used Libre regularly.

Aside from that, most sensors have adjustable ‘repeats’ (the intervals after which the alarm will be triggered again). Often there’s a balance to be struck between the nag of alarm fatigue, and actually alarm repeats being pretty useful in many ways - some glucose excursions need repeated treatments!
Thanks for replying! I can’t see any way to adjust the time/ interval for repeats.

We do go in and acknowledge- no difference!

The app actually has a great setting where you can set a reminder for a hypo / hyper to check again in 15mins / 2 hours. Which is great.

But we’re getting alarms every 2/3 mins which is just ridiculous. We’ve even tried setting the reminder to see if that stops it. But it doesn’t!!

It’s like the issue of alarms not repeating has been ‘fixed’ by it constantly alarming! I hope libre respond to me soon!
Do you actually 'dismiss' the notification off the screen (dragging left/right) on Android.
Yes we do….we’ve even tried going into the app to set a reminder and this doesn’t stop it repeating. We’re on iPhone.

Well I think that some of those alarms do seem very close together so your annoyance and fatigue are completely understandable. But there do seem to be others which could be helpful to draw attention to the fact that low blood glucose is still ongoing.

Of course, if can be very irritating if your alerts arrive slightly late, and keep nagging while you are already treating the low, but I think the alarms which are 15-20 mins apart are potentially helpful reminders. I hope you are able to find a way of getting rid of the ones in between!

How are you treating the low BGs? Are you taking 15g of fast acting carbs and waiting 15 minutes (preferably getting him to sit down)

What form of fast carbs are you using?

Holding the fast carbs in the mouth for as long as possible can help speed the absorption of the carbs through the cheek walls rather than getting mixed up with stomach contents.

Are you following-up with some longer acting carbs after BG levels are back above 4?

Have you considered adjusting basal insulin dose(s) or meal ratios to reflect what seems to be change in insulin needs? (perhaps triggered by the recent warm weather?)
This page suggests that the alarm (once dismissed) should only repeat after 30 minutes, unless BG have gone down (or up) through the alarm trigger point, and then the alarm condition re-occurs. eg he was below 3.9, then went to 4.2, then back to 3.7 would trigger a new alarm. But staying at 3.8 and having dismissed the alarms as described below, you should only get a reminder after 30 minutes.

Yes we do….we’ve even tried going into the app to set a reminder and this doesn’t stop it repeating. We’re on iPhone.

OK, this is difficult without hearing it. L2 on Android plays a complete sound file, which just happens to be a repeating sound. About 4 cycles. Kind of ((beep, beep, beep) x 4). It's not a single beep though. After the 4 repeats it stops then does it again in about 5-10 minutes unless you dismiss it.

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