Libre2 - CGM or not?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Simple question but I can't seem to find it on the website.

Does the Libre 2 connect with a smart phone automatically 24/7 ( as long as it's in range )

Or do you have to swipe the phone over the sensor at regular intervals to get the readings?

Libre 2 was updated to work as a CGM.
you still need the app to run in the background though without force closing it for it to work.
Thanks - so as long as the app is not shutdown ( or phone switched off! ) then it's ok - I have an iPhone.

If the app is shutdown for any reason , when it restarts does the history go through to the phone ( i.e. does the sensor store the data until it can pass it off? ).

i.e. does the sensor store the data until it can pass it off?
The sensor is unchanged, so still retains the last 8 hours of readings (at a resolution of one every 15 minutes). I don't know whether it'll replay that automatically so it's possible you'd need to scan it after some extended gap (a few minutes isn't going to matter, but missing a few hours would be annoying).
The libre 2 gives continues updates when looking at the app however to record the details you will need to scan. This then puts the detail in the logbook. Why they cannot automatically save the reading say every hour or 2 I’m not sure. It’s that good I swam 20 lengths in the pool and my phone was on the side of the pool and it was still reading the levelled without signal breaks so can’t complain to much
The libre 2 gives continues updates when looking at the app however to record the details you will need to scan. This then puts the detail in the logbook.
That's a slightly different concern. I must admit I don't care at all about that, but if you really want the numbers at some specific time I bet LibreView will have them (4 times an hour, anyway) so you could download the CSV and look in that.
Thanks - so as long as the app is not shutdown ( or phone switched off! ) then it's ok - I have an iPhone.

If the app is shutdown for any reason , when it restarts does the history go through to the phone ( i.e. does the sensor store the data until it can pass it off? ).

Not automatically, there would be a 1 hour gap if you turned your phone off for an hour. Scanning the sensor would fill in any gaps in the last 8 hours though.
The libre 2 gives continues updates when looking at the app however to record the details you will need to scan. This then puts the detail in the logbook. Why they cannot automatically save the reading say every hour or 2 I’m not sure. It’s that good I swam 20 lengths in the pool and my phone was on the side of the pool and it was still reading the levelled without signal breaks so can’t complain to much
You don’t need the numbers in the logbook, the data is all there in the graph and in the libre view. If you do actually need the exact numbers in the logbook you don’t need to scan, just press add note and it will save the bg.
Does the Libre 2 connect with a smart phone automatically 24/7 ( as long as it's in range )

Or do you have to swipe the phone over the sensor at regular intervals to get the readings?
As others have said, the Libre sensor now sends data via Bluetooth to the phone app which displays your BG.

There are minor edge cases where you need to scan.
Are these edge cases relevant to your question ?
What is your reason for your question?
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