Libre & Xray

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've to go for an xray at some point this week, abbot is a little unclear about if it will break it or they just don't know if it will break it.

I'm sure some of you brilliant lot can tell me if its fine or not 😉

Sensor has 3 days left on it so if its a hit or miss, I can wait a couple of days until its about to end anyway but will be better to get the xray done sooner rather than later.

thanks in advance x
I think it depends where0what part of your body you are x-raying
I kept my sensor on when I had my last mamogram and it was unaffected.
But, I would have less confidence if my arm or shoulder was getting the rays.
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As @helli said it probably depends where is being X-rayed. I’ve had 2 since having a Libre, one was chest area, one hand, radiographers weren’t bothered at all.

May be worth putting in a call to the X-ray department to answer any concerns.
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Thanks all 🙂 its a chest x-ray. Will give them a ring before I head in tomorrow 🙂
Thanks all 🙂 its a chest x-ray. Will give them a ring before I head in tomorrow 🙂
If it's any help I left my Dexcom on whilst having a chest x-ray and no harm done.
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I'm willing to risk it but not willing to straight take it off as its the most accurate one I've had to date :rofl:
Will call ahead x
Should be fine for chest xray, it's MRI you cant wear them for
CT scan is fine as well.
I'm willing to risk it but not willing to straight take it off as its the most accurate one I've had to date :rofl:
Will call ahead x
i was told it would not hurt me but may affect the sensor.
So, it seemed a no brainier to keep the sensor on and take the chance.
in case anyone is reading this looking for the same answer. Not one bat of an eyelid that I had it on and sensor still works just fine 🙂
I think that Abbott might be a bit wishy washy with their response as they've not ever been formally tested in an x-ray. therefore they can't guarantee it will be fine or not.
I think the general advice is to try and avoid x-rays/CT, etc where possible, however it's likely that it should be fine.
As LucyR said, MRI is an absolute no.
I'd love to hear how you get on if you do keep it on
I think that Abbott might be a bit wishy washy with their response as they've not ever been formally tested in an x-ray. therefore they can't guarantee it will be fine or not.
I think the general advice is to try and avoid x-rays/CT, etc where possible, however it's likely that it should be fine.
As LucyR said, MRI is an absolute no.
I'd love to hear how you get on if you do keep it on
I think gll just responded before you with their experience
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