Libre view report inaccuracy.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi, I recently had a HBA1c blood test with a result of 32 mmol/mol. I had the test done privately as my practise only offers the test annually it was 44 when tested by the surgery in March. I spoke to my Dr yesterday and agreed to send a copy of the report to my Dr for my file along with my libre 2 report. My average glucose with libre 2 has been 5.7 over the last 3 months giving me an estimated HBA1C of 5.2% or 33 mmol/ mol. However my libreview report calculates my average glucose level of 5.7 to be an estimated A1c of 5.8% 40 mmol/ mol. My understanding is that A1c is the same as HBA1c. I am reluctant to send this report to my Dr as it is so different to my actual HBA1c, and may give the impression my glucose control has got worse.

I am being really stupid and missing something obvious, or is the calculation in libre view wrong. My libre app shows the correct calculation of average blood glucose of 5.7 being 5.2% or 33 mmol.

I have been looking at the acceptable variation between GMI calculated estimated A1c and average blood glucose estimated A1c and an acceptable variation appears to be 0.5% my difference is 20%. Has anybody else experienced this problem.





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