Libre unstuck

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Yet again, applied one this morning, been on 4 hours one side of it has come unstuck, can I just put a dressing over the top to keep it in place, will it hinder the signal to my phone.
Yet again, applied one this morning, been on 4 hours one side of it has come unstuck, can I just put a dressing over the top to keep it in place, will it hinder the signal to my phone.
Stick whatever you like over it. (Well, perhaps not something containing metallic mesh.) They work through clothing (even quite thick clothing), so a dressing, plaster, etc., is fine.
You might find it best to apply a new sensor at night before bed instead of in the morning because you are likely to move less in bed so it gives the adhesive maximum chance of getting a good hold during those first few hours. I also find an arm strap over in during that time really helps. I use one of the plastic watch face ones with an adjustable elastic strap which applies gentle pressure around the circumference of the sensor, so the edges get stuck down really well. I haven't lost one since I invested in the arm strap and my Libre are exposed to lots of hazards like itchy horses scrubbing their bridled faces up and down my arms.

Do be aware that if the filament has been disturbed by the edge of the sensor lifting then it might have become displaced or kinked and may start giving erroneous readings, so worth some extra checks, especially if it starts giving you unexpected or persistent low readings.
I’ve used micropore tape to stick the side back down before.
I second micropore to augment the Libre glue.
For me, it is only the edge that starts peeling back. The problem occurs when the filament starts to move.
You might find it best to apply a new sensor at night before bed instead of in the morning because you are likely to move less in bed so it gives the adhesive maximum chance of getting a good hold during those first few hours. I also find an arm strap over in during that time really helps. I use one of the plastic watch face ones with an adjustable elastic strap which applies gentle pressure around the circumference of the sensor, so the edges get stuck down really well. I haven't lost one since I invested in the arm strap and my Libre are exposed to lots of hazards like itchy horses scrubbing their bridled faces up and down my arms.

Do be aware that if the filament has been disturbed by the edge of the sensor lifting then it might have become displaced or kinked and may start giving erroneous readings, so worth some extra checks, especially if it starts giving you unexpected or persistent low readings.
Do you only use the strap when the glue is setting or do you use one all the time?
Do you only use the strap when the glue is setting or do you use one all the time?
The first night seems to make the most difference and then I wear it in the shower so that I don't forget which arm it is on and accidentally scrub it off and sometimes I just forget to take the strap off, so it might be on for a couple of days. Originally, when I first got it, I was wearing it the full 14 days, but that doesn't seem to be necessary and it appears that first 12 hours after application make a significant improvement to it's adhesion. After that I just put it on if I know I am going to do something where it is likely to be at significant risk.... like a club drive where the horses do a lot of work and get very sweaty and irritable, particularly when I am handling 2 or 3 horses at once so I can't give them individually as much attention as just one, so more likely to get caught out. My last one, the sensor came away from the adhesive dressing when I tried to prise it off and it really took some doing and pain to eventually peel the dressing off my arm after I had removed the sensor itself and that was day 15. I really thought my skin was going to come with it it was stuck that tight. .
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