Libre sensor

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Foxley 83

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, i am new diabetic type 1 and using the libre sensor, i am on my 3rd sensor and its giving me wrong readings. Saying my sugar levels are low when they aren't. Do I need to change my sensor. Only put the new one on today.
Hi. How far out is it compared to a finger prick?
Are you aware that it can give false lows due to compression if you lie on it in your sleep or perhaps use a strap too tight to support it or lean on it.

Sometimes they take a couple of days to settle down, so many of us apply the sensor a day or two before we activate it, so that the tissue surrounding the filament has time to react to the foreign body which has been fired into it, and then settle down as it gets used to it, before you start taking readings from it.
Hi, i am new diabetic type 1 and using the libre sensor, i am on my 3rd sensor and its giving me wrong readings. Saying my sugar levels are low when they aren't. Do I need to change my sensor. Only put the new one on today.
Sometimes it can take 24hrs to settle down. I had one that read 2.8 resolutely for the first day, and I'd just said to my husband loudly ‘I’m going to have to report this sensor to Abbot, it’s reading ridiculously low..' at which point it shot up to 5.8 and behaved itself for the next two weeks.
I find Libre usually reads about 1mmol lower than my BG at lower levels but might read slightly higher if I am up into double figures. I have had the odd sensor read 2 mmols lower than a finger prick BG which I found frustrating but workable but not had one further out than that.
Obviously if your levels are changing suddenly like when you have just eaten something there will be a delay in the Libre responding because it reads interstitial fluid instead of blood and it takes about 15mins for changes to BG to transfer to interstitial fluid.
Hi. How far out is it compared to a finger prick?
Are you aware that it can give false lows due to compression if you lie on it in your sleep or perhaps use a strap too tight to support it or lean on it.

Sometimes they take a couple of days to settle down, so many of us apply the sensor a day or two before we activate it, so that the tissue surrounding the filament has time to react to the foreign body which has been fired into it, and then settle down as it gets used to it, before you start taking readings from it.
My sensor is telling me 4 but blood is saying 6.9.
Are you fully hydrated? CGM and FlashGM absolutely rely on us being so. Virtually nothing else we ever do or need to do, is so fussy!
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Like @Robin said for some the sensors can take about 24hrs to start giving accurate readings.
I second/third the comments about making no judgement on the accuracy of a sensor for 48 hours after inserting it.
You arm is getting used to having an alien object in it which can affect the readings.
That is why I always insert my sensor a couple of days before activating.
Oh your brave, apparently the second one isn't allowed on the forum in case it is associated with something else and upsets anyone (when I used it a mod edited it and sent me a note) xx
Oh your brave, apparently the second one isn't allowed on the forum in case it is associated with something else and upsets anyone (when I used it a mod edited it and sent me a note) xx
And I've just done the same to TW's post. Its more a question of avoiding misinterpretation and keeping the spambots at bay in my book!
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