Libre sensor 2

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Has there been a change to this sensor as after wearing it for a few days instead of getting a reading straight away I now have to wait for a minute before I get the reading
Are you using a phone or a reader? I use a reader, and since I swapped over to the Libre 2, I’m sure there’s an annoying lag before the figure is displayed, which didn’t used to be there.
I am using a phone when I first put the sensor on I got my reading immediately then my phone started bleep after a few days and now I have to wait over a minute to get my reading
I am using a phone when I first put the sensor on I got my reading immediately then my phone started bleep after a few days and now I have to wait over a minute to get my reading

Might have to remove app then download it again as something isn't right, also use my phone & don't get that issue using libre 2.
I use Libre 2, scanning with an iPhone and after a while there is a slight lag between pressing the scan button and it being ready to scan the sensor. It displays a little spinning circle over the graph for a bit before displaying the “scan sensor” message. I have found that closing the Librelink app and restarting it cures this for quite a while before needing to do it again. However the lag never gets that bad anyway.

I would try this and if it doesn’t work then do as @nonethewiser suggests : remove and reinstall the app.
I think @Pattidevans is experiencing some issues with a lag in getting a reading and a spinning blue circle symbol but she is also getting an alarm which is screaming during the night.... which may be a special halloween version!
Ha, I found out the screaming thingie is the default Libre low alarm! A bit too much! I changed it. No idea why it had changed itself. The lag is still there, but will be phoning Abbot tomorrow about that. I do think it's the app rather than the sensor.
Seems to have followed an app update, based on FB comments I’ve seen. Don’t know how widespread it is or how many phones / OS versions it affects.

Hopefully it can be rectified with a regression fix.
Affects Samsung A5!
For what it's worth, I called Abbott today and after making me jump through various hoops doing things to my phone, reading off error messages etc and re-booting the phone etc etc he finally admitted that it's an issue with the new update to the app and they know about it and are working to resolve it. Meantime they are sending me a new sensor, unsure why as the sensor is perfectly OK it's the app.
I had problems over the weekend with the alarms not going off. I changed the sensor and that fixed the problem. I spoke to Abbot today and they confirmed it's an issue with an app update that was released over the weekend. They are hoping to release a fix today. In the meantime they are sending me a replacement sensor.
Tech is good when it works but it can have problems just like everything else. Thankfully we can all go back to finger pricks if needed or you're not confident your sensor is working correctly.
So since the weekend the app update has killed 3 sensors. I find it bizarre that a company the size of Abbott can release such a poor update that is causing so many issues for users.

I reported the first two failures from Sunday online, the failure tonight I am going to report by phone tomorrow.

Back to finger prick testing, which is frustrating when trying to maintain control on the pump which I've only been on for a month!
I find it bizarre that a company the size of Abbott can release such a poor update that is causing so many issues for users.
I suspect it's just that Android phones are rather diverse. For what little it's worth the update seems to be working fine for me, but then I started the sensor with the reader (so that gets the alarms).

I did notice an annoying new notification this morning warning me that the sensor would soon need replacing. (In three days, as I knew anyway.)
I am now lost three sensors due to the change in the app does anyone know if they are trying to fix this issue
I am now lost three sensors due to the change in the app does anyone know if they are trying to fix this issue
Hello @Johno88,
I know, from my early days, that it's so frustrating, inconvenient and worrying when you anticipate tech will work and it doesn't!

It seems the app update affects many android phones and we are all blind-sided by this with no appreciable guidance from Abbott. But those who have the reader seem OK. Abbott will replace all your spoiled sensors, but not really quickly (in my experience). When I had no sensors, because of multiple failures, I asked my GP Surgery to help me out, as a one-off, and they prescribed 2 extra; normally Practices are only allowed to prescribe 2 per month and most of them seem to rigorously stick to that - but on that occasion common sense applied.

I suggest you phone Abbott and ask them to do the replacements and, in view of the app problem, ask them to provide you with a Reader. I realise this is not necessarily an ideal solution for you, but there are advantages with having a reader - principally that it is very forgiving; by that I mean when you scan with the reader it picks up the signal easily (no fishing around to get the exact right spot for your phone's NFC to work), even while you are walking or running. There is no way my phone will do that. The important point is that a new sensor MUST be activated with the reader first. Thereafter all alarms come ONLY through the reader. But if you scan with your phone after activating the sensor with the reader then you can let your phone automatically relay data back to LibreView; I put all my food and dosing data into my phone (it is easier) and provided I scan my phone at least every 8 hours all my readings get put onto LibreView. Otherwise you have to connect a reader by cable to a PC to get the data transferred to LibreView.

Once you've activated a reader first, you are hostage to that reader for the 14 day life of a sensor. If you activate the phone first, the reader won't read the sensor at all; it's classic nonsense by Abbott - but so be it. Anyway a reader will give you BG visibility, with trend arrows and alarms - ie a fix for you until the app is fixed properly. Under any circumstances I think this fix is an improvement on just the traditional finger pricking.

Hope this helps, a little.
Thanks for your reply I already know a lot of what you were saying but with my work I really need to just have a phone on it’s own
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