Libre scanner stopped uploading on 9th February and no longer works.

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
My Son (12) was given a Libre Scanner in November when he was diagnosed, and it had been working well. We have been connecting it via USB and uploading the data to LibreView. But at the beginning of February it stopped working, we believe this coincided with the LibreView Device Driver being 'upgraded' to v3.3.4 but since this time it has refused to work.

We've contacted Abbot and jumped through all the technical hoops they asked us, we're using Chrome, we've uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers multiple times, we've cleared the browser cache. We've used three different laptops but are getting the same result on each one. When the Upload button is pressed it says, "Loading LibreView Device Drivers", "Establishing Connection", "Optimising Connection" and then advises me to reinstall the drivers and check my browser permission.

Our Son is continuing to use the scanner as it's convenient for him to use at school and gives him glucose high/low alarms, but the data on it is useless because we can't download it anymore.

Has anyone managed to fix this issue, Abbot just take us through the same script each time we contact them.

and his hospital clinic have advised What exactly?
I am very wary of updates with regards to Libre because I know how many problems they have caused people with the LibreLink phone apps.... I think it is fair to say that I have no faith in Abbott's Libre software team, so I have not updated my reader when I plugged it in to download to LibreView and it asked me to update and my reader is thankfully still working fine.
I know that will not be any help to you and I am not sure if it is possible to uninstall the update to see if it will still download on the old system. I hope you are able to get it sorted but the Abbott customer service team seem to be really poor at helping customers with these update issues and just seem to want to hand out new sensors to try to placate people, rather than admit there is a problem and let people know that they are doing their best to fix it. I would get back on to Abbott and ask to speak to someone from their technical team since customer services are unable to help you resolve it. Part of the contract is to enable you to share your data with your medical team and so they need to fix it.
Just for completeness, what PC OS are you running on?

Have you asked for a replacement scanner? It would probably come with the old software which would prove something.

If it works, then you could continue with that, declining updates. Then you can pressurise Abbott to get the data off your old reader. I can't believe that whoever developed the software for the reader can't get into it and extract the data.

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