Libre + Reader + Diabox (or other)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hey all.
Got my reader a couple of days ago (woo)

I understand phone alarms don't work when starting with the reader but can you still use 3rd party phone apps to hack into it to make it CGM again on phone (and I understand I will need to scan 8 hourly for libre link for DSN)
Scanning isn't the end of the world (but I have been a lil bit spoiled with cgm tho)

At the mo its all theory as I have 9 days left on current one. Have used diabox in the past with a phone sensor start (which requires scanning with diabox app)

Any firm answers?

I want to be able to put my phone in a time out now n again :rofl:
I understand phone alarms don't work when starting with the reader but can you still use 3rd party phone apps to hack into it to make it CGM again on phone (and I understand I will need to scan 8 hourly for libre link for DSN)
Scanning isn't the end of the world (but I have been a lil bit spoiled with cgm tho)
Yes, it's possible.

At least Juggluco (for Android) allows that, and that's what I'm using now (I start the sensors with the reader, then scan with LibreLink on the phone, then scan again with Juggluco, and Juggluco gets the reading once a minute and provides the alarms). I try and remember to scan frequently enough with LibreLink so it gets all the data but I'm less good at that. It is possible to configure Juggluco to send data to LibreView but I haven't tried that.
Sorry should have mentioned I was on android.
Downloaded juggluco got it and working with this sensor 🙂
will figure it all out properly later but have set the basics up and have the numbers in the notification bar again and lock screen via the notification (one feature I love).
Thanks for that 🙂
Sorry should have mentioned I was on android.
Downloaded juggluco got it and working with this sensor 🙂
will figure it all out properly later but have set the basics up and have the numbers in the notification bar again and lock screen via the notification (one feature I love).
Thanks for that 🙂
I don't know for certain, but would be confident that Diabox would do the same. It certainly doesn't need LibreLink working on my android Samsung phone (ie that can be stopped) so I deduce that LibreLink doesn't need to be installed.

I can't check any more since I'm currently self-funding Dex G7.
I don't know for certain, but would be confident that Diabox would do the same.
I think that's most likely, yes. Having got Juggluco working I mostly stopped fiddling with things. It seems likely that others (like xDrip+) will also work similarly.

xDrip+ provides fancier alarms but I'm finding Juggluco's sufficient: they look like they're just low/high/connection but actually I get more than one low (and high) alarm, so when I go low I get an alarm and then a bit later (if I haven't gone up enough) I get another one. (And I think a third one. I'm not clear on what alarms it's giving but it feels better than just one low or high alarm.) I still find Juggluco's interface to be a bit weird, but I'm mostly just looking at my watch (which has Juggluco installed).
Welp after a few hours all my Bluetooth died on sensor and wont come back on. I logged the issue in libre app at about 7pm but was going on for a bit before that.
I uninstalled juggluco (and never put it back on), toggled Bluetooth, restarted phone, force stopped libre app and then all the things at once again.
Coincidence, maybe but very strange timing.
I do need to try and hook up daughters wireless earbuds just to make sure its not the bluetooth on phone being the culprit (last thing I can really check).

Why libre cant have full app function and reader function at the same time is beyond me. (decom one works with both reader and phone at the same time with full CGM and alarms on both).
Welp after a few hours all my Bluetooth died on sensor and wont come back on. I logged the issue in libre app at about 7pm but was going on for a bit before that.
I uninstalled juggluco (and never put it back on), toggled Bluetooth, restarted phone, force stopped libre app and then all the things at once again.
Coincidence, maybe but very strange timing.
I do need to try and hook up daughters wireless earbuds just to make sure its not the bluetooth on phone being the culprit (last thing I can really check).

Why libre cant have full app function and reader function at the same time is beyond me. (decom one works with both reader and phone at the same time with full CGM and alarms on both).
Is your reader still picking up the sensor?
If it’s just your phone. You could try clearing the Bluetooth cache. “Settings/system apps/Bluetooth/memory. (Something like that.) then clear the cache/memory. Re start phone.
Welp after a few hours all my Bluetooth died on sensor and wont come back on.
Sometimes it's worth waiting. I had one sensor that just died on its last day (I could still scan it but there was no Bluetooth), but now and again I get one where the Bluetooth seems to stop for a few hours. In Juggluco you can Terminate a sensor and then rescan it (I presume doing whatever Juggluco does to initialise the Bluetooth in the first place) and sometimes that works.
@Satan’s little helper My new reader isn't in play at the moment (need to wait for new sensor to start it on that)
thanks for the cache suggestion 🙂

reinstalled juggluco to try and give the sensor a nudge to behave itself annnnnd libre isn't complaining about signal anymore :D
(assume it will be the same scenario as terminating and restarting sensor)

Bruce, what you have a spare few mins can you tell me your andriod OS version, libre app version and juggluco version? Maybe see if I can match some versions for stability?
Bruce, what you have a spare few mins can you tell me your andriod OS version, libre app version and juggluco version? Maybe see if I can match some versions for stability?
I suspect it may be more about the phone (I think Bluetooth hardware varies quite a bit). But for what it's worth I'm using a Pixel 6a with Android 13 (updated 5 August), LibreLink (so before the update), Juggluco 5.1.5 (and the same on the watch).

But the LibreLink version shouldn't be relevant and I've had other versions of everything work fine.
yeah android 12 here but 5.1.13 app version. any more issues I might try downgrade the app 🙂

I'm on the fence about a watch, I don't have one but I have reacted to every watch I've ever had in the history of me. Expensive gamble to take 😉
Might ask around my peeps and see if anyone has one I can borrow for a few weeks as a skin test.
I'm on the fence about a watch, I don't have one but I have reacted to every watch I've ever had in the history of me. Expensive gamble to take
Yes, definitely expensive for this one purpose (which is basically all I'm using it for).
out of interest Bruce, why do you have the reader in the mix too?

I personally dislike the reliance on phone all the time. I'm creating bad habits for myself (pick up phone to glance at libre and don't put it back down again etc).
Reader for me would be a phone break and also not have to panic if I'm out all day & battery is low on phone.
out of interest Bruce, why do you have the reader in the mix too?
Mostly it gives me an extra device I can use (so if my phone's charging at the same time the sensor isn't sending Bluetooth I can still scan with something), but I agree it's no longer that valuable. I use the reader with test strips too so I still rely on having it working but I no longer scan with it much.
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