Libre Query

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
For various reasons I shall shortly be going onto Libre. The GP said that it will enable the DSN to download data from the device so they can see how I am doing - I just don't understand this.. Please can someone explain how they can do this ? Is it via the smartphone I wonder ?


You'll be asked to create an account on and there you can allow your clinic to view the information. In the phone app (presuming you use that) you can enter your account details and it'll upload the data to that. (If you use the Reader, the standalone thing that's also a glucometer, you can connect that to a computer and, with a bit of fiddling, upload the data to LibreView. But the phone app is much simpler. Back in the beginning I just took the reader in when I had an appointment and the DSN would connect it to their computer to download the data.)
For various reasons I shall shortly be going onto Libre. The GP said that it will enable the DSN to download data from the device so they can see how I am doing - I just don't understand this.. Please can someone explain how they can do this ? Is it via the smartphone I wonder ?


When I got my Libre on prescription, I had to enter the hospital's unique code somewhere on my Libreview account.
(I use a reader, so I have to upload my data to my account on the Libreview website regularly. If you use a phone to scan, it does it automatically once you’ve linked the phone and the Libreview account, I assume).
The hospital gave me the code, and told me where on the account to find the place to type it in. Then they can enter the code to see my results, but nobody else can see them.
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