Libre or Dexcom

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Hi I am new to all this but hear and read a lot about Libre and Dexcom. If i am able to qualify for either which is preferable and more reliable?
We are all different. Many people say Dexcom is best but I trialled it and found the phone app very basic and the sensors (I had two) were less accurate than Libre for me.
The advantage of Dexcom over Libre 2 is that Libre transfers datas from the sensor using NFC so you have to scan it whereas Dexcom uses Bluetooth. It is, however, possible, to use unofficial apps to make Libre use Bluetooth.
For me, dexcom is a lot more reliable....was always getting sensor error with libre 2. Plus, i felt a bit of a fool swiping myself in public. Also, dexcom is more accuate and doesn't keep waking me up at noght with false lows
Thanks for the replies which are very helpful. Just to clarify does anyone T1 get Dexcom G6 on prescription?
Just to clarify does anyone T1 get Dexcom G6 on prescription?
I'm sure some do, but it's more expensive and can only be offered by hospital teams.

The other four (including Libre 2 and Dexcom ONE) are about the same cost as each other and can be prescribed by GPs; anyone currently being prescribed Libre 2 should (in theory) be able to ask for one of the other four and get it without any problems.
Thanks for the replies which are very helpful. Just to clarify does anyone T1 get Dexcom G6 on prescription?
My kid gets G6 on prescription but only because he’s looping with his pump and they can justify the additional funding on ‘psychological grounds’. It’s not as easy to get funding for and varies from team to team.
I have a meet with my Consultant and diabetic clinic soon and will ask which they are offering. Will report back with their advice
Thanks for the replies which are very helpful. Just to clarify does anyone T1 get Dexcom G6 on prescription?

I’ve just got Dexcom G7 on prescription. I chose it over G6 because it’s much smaller and only has a 30 min warm up time.
G6 was an option for me, but i got the strong impression libre 3 and dexcom g7 were not. Hopefully in the fullness of time g6 will move over to g7...2 hr warm up every 10 days is a wouldn't be so bad if dexcom lasted 14 days so you could always change the same day...
Have good experience using libre, reported very few sensors compared to some. Later in year will be changing to Dexcom G6 so hope it's as good.
I found both Libre and Dex worked very well for me.

Dex probably the more accurate on the whole, and can be calibrated, but also quite stubbornly laggy (Libre’s algorithm tries to reduce interstitial glucose lag to nearer 5 mins with some mathematical gymnastics).

Dex only updates every 5 minutes where Libre updates every minute and plots an average 5-min value. This is the biggest drag with Dex for me.

But Dex works with my Tandem tSlim, so wins hands down with that alone! I self-fund my CGM. I’m still waiting for a clinic appointment since NICE recommended wider access to CGM.

Everyone with T1 should be offered Libre2 (or Dexcom One). For other rtCGM (Dex G6 or Dex G7) you may have more of a struggle.
G7 has been brilliant with our daughter. Tried a Libre 3 first and that was also pretty dam good but the G7 just shades it for accuracy (for us) Does anyone have any time line for when the G7 will be licensed with various pumps?
I got Dexcom G6 on prescription in November 2022.
Last week I upgraded my pump from Insight to Ypsomed CamAPS FX.
I’m closed looping and this has given me the nearest thing to a pancreas in 44 years!
I can’t fault Dexcom G6.
Hi jamie i have used libre since they first became a available first self funded then refunded here in france but have never used dexcom ,and have been very happy with the accuracy if you use xdrip+ app witch you are able to calibrate witch where most diabetics only use the libre only app witch you can not calibrate and then quote is not accurate ,i use libre 2 witch is more accurate than libre 1 ,so the downside of libre is the freestyle phone app witch i only use to start a new sensor every 14 Days then xdrip the libre is much smaller and smaller still with libre 3 so at the end of the day you have 2 choices good luck with your choice if you have a choice.
Be aware, there are different criteria for Dexcom G6 or G7 compared to Dexcom ONE or Libre 2.
If you are looking for NHS to fund your CGM, unless you are a "special case"* , it is unlikely you will be prescribed the Dexcom G6 or G7. The same is true for Libre 3.
I have not read any comparison of Dexcom ONE with Dexcom G6 and G7 apart from on Dexcom's website. Therefore, I am not sure it is far to compare Libre 2 with Dexcom G6 or G7 unless you are a "special case".

*There are a few exceptions. Hence "it is unlikely you will be prescribed" rather than "you will not be prescribed".
I got g6 and not special other than no hypo awarenesd. I moved cos libre was waking me up with false lows a couple of times pretty much every night. I bought a couple of g6 and found they didn't do the same and got switched over
I got g6 and not special other than no hypo awarenesd. I moved cos libre was waking me up with false lows a couple of times pretty much every night. I bought a couple of g6 and found they didn't do the same and got switched over
I would consider “No hypo awareness“ special. It is not where we want to be and not where most people with Type 1 are (or maybe what they would admit to).
That may be it. Not that i go low that much. Lowest has been 2.9 but felt ok (well, til i realised i was 2.9!)
Hi. I’ve just got a Dexcom one to try ….. just put it on. You don’t seem to be able to share data with anyone like you can with libre, am I missing something or is that the case - any help greatly appreciated.
Hi. I’ve just got a Dexcom one to try ….. just put it on. You don’t seem to be able to share data with anyone like you can with libre, am I missing something or is that the case - any help greatly appreciated.
You can’t share dexcom one, that’s part of why it’s cheaper.
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