Libre link

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all. My son has returned back to school since being diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. He has a libre link which is great but since he's gone back to school I can't see his glucose readings from my phone. When he gets back home from school I can then see his readings on my phone. This seems to happen quite a lot when we go out. He can can see his readings on his phone but I can't see them on my phone. Any ideas why this might be happening?
Does he have data and signal on his phone or does he only have wifi? Is there wifi at school he can use if he doesn’t have data?
Are you using LIbre Link or LibreLInkUp to "follow" your son?
I have not used the LinkUp app but understand this is the method to "Remotely monitor and support people in your life so they can better manage their glucose".
Apologies if that is what you meant. I have no suggestions to offer but wanted to check you were referring to the correct app for others.
My daughter and husband have the Libre linkup app and they can see my readings anywhere sorry i cant be of more help
Hi all. My son has returned back to school since being diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. He has a libre link which is great but since he's gone back to school I can't see his glucose readings from my phone. When he gets back home from school I can then see his readings on my phone. This seems to happen quite a lot when we go out. He can can see his readings on his phone but I can't see them on my phone. Any ideas why this might be happening?
Could be a data coverage issue? That’s what it suspiciously sounds like.
You should get a lost signal alarm on your app if the actual sensor was disconnected from your son’s phone.
Is your son getting network coverage at his school? Some school buildings can be “prefab” metal framed structures which can cause issue for either data or WiFi?
Are you able to follow your son by logging into his “libreview” account online which might discount his phone’s connection whilst out?
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