Libre II - Low Glucose Events


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Despite having a quite bad hypo yesterday evening Libre did not classify it as a LGE (Low Glucose Event). I have notic d this before. What criteria does Libre use to record a LGE?


I am guessing your low alarm went off at 20.21 when you were 4.2 and you ate some hypo treatment to stop the drop. The Libre algorithm continues to extrapolate the downward trend until i sees your interstitial fluid levels coming back up and it usually takes about half an hour from my experience to catch up with the idea that things have changed direction, but your blood glucose may well have responded to the hypo treatment before you "hit the red" or only very briefly into the red which isn't enough to log a low event. Once the algorithm realises that things changed and it's prediction wasn't correct it redraws the graph and often I find that there is no red on my graph for that event and in reality I prevented the hypo, or sometimes just the tiniest spot of red, which isn't enough to trigger a low event report.
This is why you should check your hypo recovery with a finger prick and not rely on Libre, because Libre will almost always suggest that your levels are continuing to drop lower 15 mins after taking hypo treatment and lead to you over treating almost every hypo, whereas the finger prick at 15 mins post treatment will usually show you recovering. These are the times when Libre is not reliable and should not be trusted.
If you are like me, you may also factor in that Libre typically reads lower than BG typically by about 1mmol, so contrary to people believing Libre trails behind blood glucose in tracking out levels, for me the factory calibration of it which seems to be slightly lower than BG and the algorithm mean that it is slightly ahead of BG most of the time and the only time it is behind is when BG changes direction either because I have eaten a hypo treatment or a fast spike has peaked and is coming down.

Can you post a photo of your daily graph for yesterday? My guess is that it will have a very tiny breach of the red line or perhaps none at all.
I can't find it in "British" terms but Abbot describe
The FreeStyle Libre system records a Low Glucose Event whenever your glucose has fallen below 70 mg/dL for more than 15 minutes and shows the 6-hour period of the day that this is happening in.
I calculate 70mg/dl as about 3.8mmol/l which your numbers show your BG was at between 20:25 and 20:39.
If those are the only times in which Libre registered the low, I guess it may not have registered this as a LGE as it was only for 14 minutes.
As @rebrascora describes, Libre may have "over extrapolated" in which case it corrects so your low time may have been shorter.

But I am only speculating.
The 3.6 was 3.9 on the finger so the following ones were in the red! There was no red on the graph. However, I still think Libra should record an LGE!

P.S. I was definitely hypo as I had my usual symptoms of perspiring heavily and vision starting to blur!
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I went low mid-morning today. It lasted more than 15 minutes but was not recorded. What I deduce is you have to cross two quarter-hour boundaries (00, 15, 30 and 45) to record an LGE. I did want to keep it going but was feeling too rough and had got the metal Mikey taste so treated before...