Libre II - Anyone Had Missing Data?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Late yesterday evening I had about an hour's gap in my Libre data and then this morning I found another two hour gap. Anybody seen this behaviour before? There were no "signal loss" alarms.

I’ve had that with various sensors where the information provided falls outside of what the sensor thinks is likely / possible, and it takes a few minutes to see if the information settles down.

Sometimes it’s when a sensor is failing, or perhaps slightly coming loose.

Libre will sometimes say ‘wait 10 minutes’. Dex has a ‘readings will be unavailable, check again in 30 mins’ message.

Perhaps you leant on the sensor?
I see this quite often with my Libre 2, when I do spot a gap like that I re-scan the CGM and it fills the gaps with the recorded on-board readings it saves on the CGM. Just annoying it chooses to miss some readings at times. It's got to be something to do with the bluetooth networking, but I haven't managed to track the reason yet...
I'm a software engineer and have my own scripts which get the readings from LibreLink so I can plot and see my readings over whatever period I want. When these gaps happen, I was also missing readings in my data. When you do a manual scan of the CGM the 'plot graph' data is also attached to the reading packet so I have adjusted my software to automatically read that when data is missing 🙂 Just annoying...
I have wondered about these occasional gaps.
I do not think they have anything to do with Bluetooth drop out as the sensor memory stores 8 hours of data and the gaps are still there after a NFC scan.
My money is on the "weird" readings suggestion from @everydayupsanddowns - Libre thinks the readings are unlikely so misses them out of the graph. This could be due to a compression low, a steep fall or rise or a "glitch in the interstitial time continuum".
As you have your own scripts that extract the data from Libre @djdave it would be interesting to know what values are recorded. When I used to use xDrip+, there were times when LibreLInk decided the sensor had failed whereas xDrip+ continued to receive obviously corrupt data (bouncing between very low and very high). I guess xDrip+ doesn't do a "is this data reasonable" check.
Just want to reiterate that I don't get any problems like this with the reader, but I did with the phone app occasionally. Love my reader! So reliable! My TIR has improved about 10% just going back to using it from using the phone app. It was interesting to try the phone app for a few months again but it was also really frustrating at times and it has been such a relief to go back to the reader and return to getting TIR in the 90s again. Find it really hard to believe that the device you use can make such a big difference both to my results but also my confidence in managing my diabetes, but it really has.
@helli Yes there are marked differences between what data is shown on the app screen to what 'live' values are sent out.

The 'prediction' firmware on the CGM is a bit pessimistic at times. When there is a rapid rise the 'live values' actually reported do spike greater than the graph shows. I think the actual app graph is closer to a 30 minute rolling average.

I had one sensor a month ago which bounced back and forth for a day before setting down... I never did trust that one and swapped it out after 1 days rather than waiting for the full 14 days.

Here is the output from my graphing scripts...

And this is the app's view on life. Note app is normal short-term view, my graphs are 24 hour view...
Like @djdave mentioned, if I get a gap in readings I just do a manual scan of my Libre and all the gaps get filled.
It happens sometimes. Just scan to fill them in.