Libre fault

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, I've had two libre faulty in the past 5 days. Both ended early with this message. There was no alarm to inform me, just discovered when I went to check my levels. I'm totally fed up! Is it the hot weather?
I have.. I'm an expert at this now.. but two sensors failing with the dame error message. Is this a common occurance?
My friend has had so many problems with the Libre she requested a change to Dexcom.
My friend has had so many problems with the Libre she requested a change to Dexcom.
My libre kept randomly refusing to read (try again inx minutes) whenever bs results hot 'interesting'. My dexcom is a lot more reliable
If you get the annoying ‘refusing to read & try again in 10 minutes’ message,

Try cooling the sensor and arm and wrist with cold water.

I have only used Libre, both Freestyle1 and 2 and find it usually works quite quickly.
It seems to happen to me after exercise or getting over hot.😉
I loved my Libre 1, it gave accurate readings. When I was changed to Libre 2 my readings could be 2 - 4ml higher than I actually was. It might have been temperature or a low battery, I don't know. I have abandoned hope with Libre 2 and resorted to simple blood tests during the day and have a lot less hypos as a result - blood sugars are still good.
Hi all, I've had two libre faulty in the past 5 days. Both ended early with this message. There was no alarm to inform me, just discovered when I went to check my levels. I'm totally fed up! Is it the hot weather?
I had 2 sensors fail on me within a week a couple of weeks ago. Both suddenly stopped working (one after 4 days the other after 2 days) with the message that the sensor had ended. Abbott are replacing them so maybe its a faulty batch for some reason. I have to send them back presumably so they can see what the problem was.

I can go for a long time without any issues with the libre then get the odd sensor that doesn't work properly. I would rather have them than be without them though, my fingers used to get so sore.
I've just been put on the Libre 3 as I have hypos at night. I've just started using it and it keeps alarming saying signal loss!!.
It's ridiculous I have to have my phone next to my arm or the alarm is triggered. If I put the phone on the other side the alarm goes off again. That's a difference of 2 feet. Has anyone had this problem? I'm worried if I have a hypo at night I will not get the alarm.
I've just been put on the Libre 3 as I have hypos at night. I've just started using it and it keeps alarming saying signal loss!!.
It's ridiculous I have to have my phone next to my arm or the alarm is triggered. If I put the phone on the other side the alarm goes off again. That's a difference of 2 feet. Has anyone had this problem? I'm worried if I have a hypo at night I will not get the alarm.
From what I remember @everydayupsanddowns had similar problems but with the Dexcom system and with his pump and sensor needing to both be on the same side of his body..... His pump and sensor are looping so need to be able to talk to each other.

I am not sure with the Libre 3 but with the Libre 2, when the out of range alarm goes off, I still seems to get the high and low alarms and I disabled the out of range alarm early on because it was just annoying and draining my battery. I still get high and low alarms when I am in the next room and it is on charge.
I really value my sleep so I can't be doing with anything disturbing it unnecessarily!
I'm now on Dexcom One. But when I was using Libre 2 I routinely had the out of range alert deactivated and still got all the other alerts - both when I was using the Libre Reader and when I was using only my Android phone with LibreLink. The out of range feature didn't seem to work at all sensibly for me.
Hi thanks, everyone for your thoughts. I'm still having problems with the Libre3. I have to say if your hospital suggests you switch DO NOT. The whole purpose of the 3 was to give quick constant readings so we can prevent hypos.
When I used the Libre2 I used the reader and the phone had practically no problem apart from the usual, the sensor failing. I could always read my levels with the reader, With the 3 you can't just scan the sensor it's all remote. I contacted Abbotts yesterday about the problem as still losing signal and getting no readings overnight. And forgot to say my husband stopped getting alerts and alarms from my sensor!! The person at Abbotts (again) was just reading from a script, they told me to reinstall the app. (you lose all your data) I did that. They told me to restart the phone...I've done that several times over the time I've been wearing the sensor, BUT still, the problems persist! As the sensors are smaller than the previous ones is the signal not strong enough?? Does anyone have any thoughts?
Sorry to hear you are still having problems.
Do you have other Bluetooth devices linked to your phone. Just wondering if there is too much for the phone to cope with and the Libre is dropping out because it can't maintain all the connections. As a medical device it should take priority but I am not sure that the phone is able to do that.
I should say I am a tech dinosaur, so I am only regurgitating things I have read elsewhere on this forum.
I had 2 dodgy ones in a row a few weeks ago, on holiday in Devon it was warm, but I have been hotter with them in Mexico and not had issues.
First was giving a lot of high/hyper alarms but I didn’t feel high ( I feel them quickly) and I tested on the trusted finger pricker and I was actually hypo, it happened for 2 days until I gave up of having to blood check every alarm and put a new one on.
Second one must have bent immediately, as it gave an error I have never seen before, I can’t remember the exact wording but it was along the lines of check correctly applied and try again, in a hour (could be less) and then it just never worked.
I am finding in this warmer weather than the rcwbet ones are less accurate, I mean 10+ off my finger testing o_O
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