Libre confusion

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone, wondering if any of you can shed any light on this…..I was just at the hospital for my annual diabetes check up,( new hospital/consultant, nowhere as near as nice and welcoming as my previous location but that’s a whole other matter 🙄) and the consultant informed me that there has been an update to the libre 2 system in the last 6 weeks or so which has effectively made it more CGM than flash and that I shouldn’t need to scan it once I’ve updated. As far as I was aware this is only Libre 3 and Dexcom from what I’ve read up on. I have trawled through emails, done numerous Google searches and found absolutely no information regarding what he told me. Was he just spouting toss?
There was a thread about this recently, so not talking rubbish, but not sure if it is live yet.... Will see if I can find the thread and post a link here...
Quick draw @Sally71 McGraw is clearly seconds faster than me on the keyboard!
Thank you!! I had a little scroll through after posting and saw the thread so lesson learned to always have a little scroll first @rebrascora thanks….I hope it does too! The DSN was lovely (finally got to meet her after a couple of months of phone calls and emails) but I found the consultant to be a little cold! Luckily I am smack bang in the middle of 2 hospitals where I live and have the luxury of choice of which one to attend for my annual checks and the DSN I am under the care of covers patients at both so I’m sure if I continue to be unhappy with current one (which I only chose for this appt as I’d heard of it and knew roughly where it is) I could probably switch relatively easily. X
It took me a while to develop a working relationship with my consultant but we get on well now. I think it is difficult for them to assess you and find a level of understanding in the very short time they have for each appointment. I was also a bit overawed by my consultant at first and of course I knew very little. Now I am much more confident and he knows that I know what I am doing, we have much better rapport and I would not think of swapping. I currently only get a phone call appointment about once every 10 months since Covid, so it is understandable that these situations are challenging for patients and consultants.
PS. No worries asking a question that has previously been discussed. Sometimes things are easy to find on the forum, sometimes they aren't and sometimes people are not familiar with how or where to search for them.
The update is being rolled out as we speak. I have a work phone and a personal phone and my personal phone has the updated version (V2.10.0.10404). This is the Android version, not sure what the iPhone version number will be.
I haven't tried a new sensor on the app as yet, so not tried it out, but the update is coming! Minute by minute updates!
The update is being rolled out as we speak. I have a work phone and a personal phone and my personal phone has the updated version (V2.10.0.10404). This is the Android version, not sure what the iPhone version number will be.
I haven't tried a new sensor on the app as yet, so not tried it out, but the update is coming! Minute by minute updates!
I’m wondering if my app is mid update….just opened it to do a scan, it crashed so I closed it and now it’s just a white screen. I’m on an iPhone. Have tried closing and restarting the app but still just getting the white screen. Guess it’ll be a day of finger pricks until it sorts itself out!
I’m wondering if my app is mid update….just opened it to do a scan, it crashed so I closed it and now it’s just a white screen. I’m on an iPhone. Have tried closing and restarting the app but still just getting the white screen. Guess it’ll be a day of finger pricks until it sorts itself out!
You need to uninstall the app and then reinstall. This will lose the data from LibreLink but it should be stored in LibreView so you will not completely lose it. The reinstall is complicated because the app has been removed from the app store, so you need to retrieve it from your app purchase history. To do this, you go into the app store and then select the blue circular icon at the top right of the screen which will take you to your account page. elect Purchased and LibreLink will be there, select it and reinstall and hopefully that will get it working again until the new update has been fixed.
You need to uninstall the app and then reinstall. This will lose the data from LibreLink but it should be stored in LibreView so you will not completely lose it. The reinstall is complicated because the app has been removed from the app store, so you need to retrieve it from your app purchase history. To do this, you go into the app store and then select the blue circular icon at the top right of the screen which will take you to your account page. elect Purchased and LibreLink will be there, select it and reinstall and hopefully that will get it working again until the new update has been fixed.
Thanks rebrascora, spot on advice! Why in the name of Dawkins did they take this app off the App Store? Abbott Labs *FAIL!*
I’m wondering if my app is mid update….just opened it to do a scan, it crashed so I closed it and now it’s just a white screen. I’m on an iPhone. Have tried closing and restarting the app but still just getting the white screen. Guess it’ll be a day of finger pricks until it sorts itself out!

Alas this is a known problem. Abbott had a bit of a nightmare with the upgrade rollout and had to pull the app from the ios app store (not sure about the robot version).

There’s a thread here with suggestions

You need to uninstall the app and then reinstall. This will lose the data from LibreLink but it should be stored in LibreView so you will not completely lose it. The reinstall is complicated because the app has been removed from the app store, so you need to retrieve it from your app purchase history. To do this, you go into the app store and then select the blue circular icon at the top right of the screen which will take you to your account page. elect Purchased and LibreLink will be there, select it and reinstall and hopefully that will get it working again until the new update has been fixed.
l have tried this but it just says cannot connect to App Store. Before going on this site I rang my Diabetic contact they said they have had loads of queries and I just had to go back to finger pricking but to ring Abbott. I currently holding on the phone (16 mins so far ) Typically I am going on holiday Sunday so will need to go and check I have enough finger pricking supplies.
l have tried this but it just says cannot connect to App Store. Before going on this site I rang my Diabetic contact they said they have had loads of queries and I just had to go back to finger pricking but to ring Abbott. I currently holding on the phone (16 mins so far ) Typically I am going on holiday Sunday so will need to go and check I have enough finger pricking supplies.
How are you trying to connect to the app store? Have you uninstalled the LibreLink app first?
Yes l deleted the app when it would not work. But I have now got the app working l followed your instructions again but clicked on the the cloud this time and it reinstalled. So thank very much I can go back to packing for my holiday.
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