Libre and other similar systems

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Need some help

Ever since I did the Libre 2 trial I have had three sensors that I have self funded.

I would love to do it more than two weeks every month but it's too expensive.

Is two weeks good enough or is it a waste of time. I use it to keep an eye on my bg and I like the Time in Range feature but is this enough to justify the cost.

I can't do Dexcom as you have to be on insulin but my phone is not compatible same applies to GlucoRx.

I love the Libre 2 but I am seriously considering whether I should purchase another sensor.
2 weeks is definitely better than none. Can you not get nhs funding?

Do you need the alarms? The libre 1 doesn’t have the alarms but is basically the same, but is a little bit cheaper maybe that would help.
Is two weeks good enough or is it a waste of time. I use it to keep an eye on my bg and I like the Time in Range feature but is this enough to justify the cost.
Well, you're the one paying, so it's up to you.

If you can afford a sensor every 3 months or something I could (just about) imagine that being worthwhile: you'd see patterns over the days, and maybe that would give ideas of when you should be eating less carbs (maybe you usually eat carbs for breakfast and you might see that that's not working well but carbs for your evening meal are OK, or vice versa). Or you might see that a walk after lunch works really effectively.

I'm a bit doubtful that it would be worth using continuously unless you're using insulin (in which case you can probably get it prescribed anyway). But I may be wrong and I'm not imagining some benefits that you would get out of it (for example that you value the Time in Range percentage each day); I can't judge how much value that has for you.
They're the same price, I think?
Oh yes they seem to be on the freestyle website. I just googled them and found a chemist with 2 different prices
Oh yes they seem to be on the freestyle website. I just googled them and found a chemist with 2 different prices
I called my local ASDA pharmacy and they said they were the same price, 1 & 2.

I don't need the alarms but I like to see I am staying in range hence the Time in Range feature provides me with a challenge.

You are correct that I am not on insulin so I won't get it on prescription although I have read about type 1 and 2 on insulin not being able to get libre on prescription so being on insulin is not considered automatical qualification no matter where you live in the UK.

They develop these systems and then then barriers to use them appear for diabetics. Whether you are on insulin or medication or both or neither is diet controlled everyone should have the same right to use the libre, Dexcom or GlucoRX. If it helps them manage their condition.
I am now incredibly lucky to have the Libre on prescription. However, I was self funding before then. Like @HalfpipMarathon I was not able to fund it all the time. Therefore, I looked at it differently, it was not about chasing Time in Range targets or using alarms. It was about learning information that I could use to manage my diabetes all the time. For example, how different foods affected my levels - I could then use that information to decide whether to eat it again or adjust my insulin accordingly. Or how different types of exercise affect my levels - do I need to eat beforehand or afterwards. Or how a stressful work meeting affected my levels - did I need to consider my blood sugar levels before the monthly grilling?

During the 2 weeks of Libring, I would be gathering this information (by interpreting the data Libre provides) and making a note of TIR. Then I would have a few weeks without Libre putting my lessons into practice. When I went back to the Libre, I would revert to learning more lessons and comparing my TIR from previous Libre periods.

Sure, it is better to have Libre all the time but working out what I wanted it for really helped me and I still saw great value using it 2 weeks out of 6.
I am now incredibly lucky to have the Libre on prescription. However, I was self funding before then. Like @HalfpipMarathon I was not able to fund it all the time. Therefore, I looked at it differently, it was not about chasing Time in Range targets or using alarms. It was about learning information that I could use to manage my diabetes all the time. For example, how different foods affected my levels - I could then use that information to decide whether to eat it again or adjust my insulin accordingly. Or how different types of exercise affect my levels - do I need to eat beforehand or afterwards. Or how a stressful work meeting affected my levels - did I need to consider my blood sugar levels before the monthly grilling?

During the 2 weeks of Libring, I would be gathering this information (by interpreting the data Libre provides) and making a note of TIR. Then I would have a few weeks without Libre putting my lessons into practice. When I went back to the Libre, I would revert to learning more lessons and comparing my TIR from previous Libre periods.

Sure, it is better to have Libre all the time but working out what I wanted it for really helped me and I still saw great value using it 2 weeks out of 6.
I'm not able to get it on prescription as not on insulin or medication that might cause a hypo.

Great that you now get it on prescription. Everyone uses the Libre for different reasons none of them invalid. For me I like to see I'm staying in range.

Now that it's more widely available you would have thought that the cost of the sensors would have come or will come down in price especially when the Libre 3 is released onto the market.

I respect people's reasons for using the libre 2 but feel sometimes that my reason or reasons are ridiculed by some. That unless I am on insulin I am not entitled to use Libre. That I am taking supplies away from those who are on prescription. If something helps me personally to manage my condition it should not matter what type diabetic I am or how my diabetes is treated.

The only way I could do it continuously is to purchase two sensors each time but it is timing it with payday. I get paid on 27th of the month so I currently don't get paid for another two weeks. I have an approved overdraft but I am trying to reduce my use this month so I have more of my wages left when the amount of overdraft used has been deducted hence why I am debating whether to wait.
@HalfpipMarathon I did not mean to make anything of the fact that I now have Libre on prescription, I was explaining how I was still able to make great use of it when I self funded and was not using it all the time.
I am definitely not ridiculing your reasons for using it but suggesting another way of looking at it which may still help and motivate you.
@HalfpipMarathon I did not mean to make anything of the fact that I now have Libre on prescription, I was explaining how I was still able to make great use of it when I self funded and was not using it all the time.
I am definitely not ridiculing your reasons for using it but suggesting another way of looking at it which may still help and motivate you.
I know you aren't ridiculing my reasons. I meant that some people on the FB groups I belong to have said such things.

I'm pleased that you are able to get it on prescription. I'm envious, of course I am, but I know I am not likely to get it. Although I have an appointment with the Dr who I spoke to following my last HbA1c result to show her the readings I took when finger pricking and the Libre readings. Hoping it will influence her. I have my blood test for HbA1c just before then my review on the 1st Sept. In view of the aforementioned I'm holding off getting a libre until next week partly because it will save me a trip to the pharmacy as it's next door to the GP surgery and in case the Dr agrees to prescribe it.

A work colleague's friend is type 2 not on insulin or medication that might cause a hypo but her GP prescribed it although where she lives is under a different ccg. This is why I think that it's very much a postcode lottery as to whether or not you are able to get libre on prescription. It should be available for all diabetics. Not everyone wants one but maybe they fear everyone will be asking. Surely we pay for the NHS via NI so if Libre was available it's not like we're not paying for it just paying indirectly.

Apologies if I have offended you as I said at the beginning I wasn't referring to you or anyone on the forum but the experience I have had on fb although the moderator on one group did call the person out saying their comment was uncalled for (person appeared to be blaming me for the lack of supplies of libre instead of her local supplier)
I agree, more people should be allowed them. I understand the cost issue, however the cost of long term side effects of diabetes gone wrong is worse than allowing sensible usage.

There's never judgment on this site which is why I love it.

Each to their own. Also your reasons make complete sense to me.

I am surprised a manufacture hasn't realised yet there is a great market for this tech for many T2's and others to get a better understanding of their health, whether NHS or self unfunded. Abbot have the Sport Biosensor for athletes, based on the libre so they think that is a good market for them, I would say this is too. My colleague is T2 and his lifestyle and diet is so healthy and he is told by his medical team he cannot do more but still has T2 and he wants to know if there's anything else he can do, and is looking at self funding for this reason.
I agree, more people should be allowed them. I understand the cost issue, however the cost of long term side effects of diabetes gone wrong is worse than allowing sensible usage.

There's never judgment on this site which is why I love it.

Each to their own. Also your reasons make complete sense to me.

I am surprised a manufacture hasn't realised yet there is a great market for this tech for many T2's and others to get a better understanding of their health, whether NHS or self unfunded. Abbot have the Sport Biosensor for athletes, based on the libre so they think that is a good market for them, I would say this is too. My colleague is T2 and his lifestyle and diet is so healthy and he is told by his medical team he cannot do more but still has T2 and he wants to know if there's anything else he can do, and is looking at self funding for this reason.
Thank you so much your reply. I agree the cost of providing libre 2 to all diabetics on prescription would be cheaper than the cost of treating possible long term effects eg eyesight loss, amputation in worse case scenario.
I agree the cost of providing libre 2 to all diabetics on prescription would be cheaper than the cost of treating possible long term effects eg eyesight loss, amputation in worse case scenario.
I'm less confident. Remember that most aren't offered even test strips at present. I'm pretty sure Libre (or other CGM) ought to be offered to more (including some who don't use insulin) but I'm not sure how wide an offer would make sense.
I'm less confident. Remember that most aren't offered even test strips at present. I'm pretty sure Libre (or other CGM) ought to be offered to more (including some who don't use insulin) but I'm not sure how wide an offer would make sense.
Even if you were prescribed they can be stored, such has been on Gliclazide, and the Gliclizide is stopped.
Even if you were prescribed they can be stored, such has been on Gliclazide, and the Gliclizide is stopped.
What do you mean stored? You mean don't use and keep them for when you can no longer get them on prescription?

I could go and get one today then if the Dr agrees to prescribe I will have three as I assume you get a months supply ie two sensors on prescription.
I am on about the test strips, whilst on Gliclazide , I was prescribed 50 a month, and when I stopped the Gliclazide they were removed from my prescription list.
I am on about the test strips, whilst on Gliclazide , I was prescribed 50 a month, and when I stopped the Gliclazide they were removed from my prescription list.
Oh I see misunderstood. I have a Fine Test Lite meter and strips as backup but rarely use them since I have used the libre 2.
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