Libre and Apple watch


Active Member
I’ve really appreciated all the advice and help I’ve received in the 4 and a half weeks since my diagnosis as type 1. I’m on my second Libre 2 and finding it v good. But I find the alarm only goes off once on my phone and v quietly which is problematic as I don’t really feel hypos that much so can easily not notice. This has led to me obsessively checking my numbers on my phone. It may be that things improve as I get better at matching my doses to my carbohydrate (though to be fair I am 79% in range but that is because of a reasonable amount of catching myself before I drop to close to a hypo). But I was wondering whether buying an Apple Watch would significantly improve my experience? Has anyone got a watch and able to post pictures of what shows up on the watch face / or able to describe the experience? I would love it if I could have my wrist vibrate if I’m getting low and also would love to be able to see just from a quick look at my watch what my number is. Google suggests the former is likely possible but the latter isn’t a functionality yet. Any insights into whether it’s likely to be a big improvement on my constant phone checking (eg during yoga where I often drop) would be fab.
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Or obviously if there’s anything better than an Apple Watch also that would be fab to know. I only suggested it as I’m an iPhone user.
Or obviously if there’s anything better than an Apple Watch also that would be fab to know. I only suggested it as I’m an iPhone user.
Thanks for asking this Molly as I’ve been meaning to ask the same question. I don’t have any problems getting high and low BG alarms from Libre2 on my iPhone, but there are quite a lot of situations when I can’t have my phones volume high and I’ve become a bit of an obsessive phone checker. I’d love to know how much an Iwatch might help and how close a phone needs to be to the watch for all this to work.
Just a small point @CathyFP, you don’t need an iWatch to get alerts from your phone. I have a Garmin sports watch (actually a forerunner 745 but other models work the same) and any alert that comes on my phone gets transferred to my watch. The basic forerunner models are significantly cheaper that an iWatch!
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If you’re comfortable with tech you could check out the Shuggar app. I’ve linked Shuggar to my calendar, and get updates on my watch through the calendar. It also shows on the Lock Screen of the phone, and I think the alarm is reasonably loud.
I will get a photo next time it shows on my watch, I don’t have it on noise alarm but it does buzz on my wrist and if you don’t react it does it again a few moments later.
It could be the settings on your phone. Mine is loud on the standard libre set up.
The other day sat at the pub we heard someone else’s libre go off, never experienced that before, but we both checked it wasn’t my phone and it’s wasn’t me.