Libre 3

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It isn’t going to be available to buy was the last I heard, which probably means definitely not any time soon
It isn’t going to be available to buy was the last I heard, which probably means definitely not any time soon
What is wrong with these peoples picture!? Why won’t they sell it? Available on NHS which is obscenely slow round here, but can’t buy it. So annoying.
With the uptake on the NHS it depends on the CCG and when they will have the funds to adhere to the new NICE guidance
Yes access to rtCGM (like Dexcom, Guardian, Libre3) should be widening substantially as the new NICE guidelines are adopted.

Sadly like @Lily123 I fear there may be something of a postcode lottery with different areas embracing the new guidance, while others resist it and put their own criteria over the top.

What’s the phrase that is used? “Subject to local healthcare economy” 🙄
Yes access to rtCGM (like Dexcom, Guardian, Libre3) should be widening substantially as the new NICE guidelines are adopted.

Sadly like @Lily123 I fear there may be something of a postcode lottery with different areas embracing the new guidance, while others resist it and put their own criteria over the top.

What’s the phrase that is used? “Subject to local healthcare economy” 🙄
Mine already mentioned "updateing local guidelines and the pathways people with diabetes will need to follow"
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