Libre 3 and hcl

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have been offered the libre 3 and the option to loop with the ypsopump, which I've had for 15 months and the camaps app. I had spoken to the nurses about the libre 3 and they had said I might be able to have it, but it has been about a year to get it. When I spoke to them about the sensors being sent and how many at once, she also surprised me by saying the rep was available to make it so I can loop. The nurse said the training for looping with pump was available this month.
I really appreciate the opportunity to be able to loop, and am grateful to be given the libre 3. When I was picking a replacement pump to have in 2022 I knew that the ypsopump would loop with libre 3 at some point, and that was a factor in the appeal of the pump, along with other features. I feel a bit wary too though. I know the closed loop technology has been said to be ok and safe even for young children, and lots of people on here have spoken about it, which I have read. I have said yes to the opportunity to try it as I would not want to miss the chance. I am a bit apprehensive too though, which is normal I think... putting so much of the decision making I have done for 20 years in the hands of an algorithim is a bit scary. I am scared of hypos and it was a big step when I got my pump...which I love, but this feels even more so.
The Harry Potter quote of not trusting something that thinks if you can't see where it keeps it's brain has crossed my mind!
I am hoping that some people who have been doing it for a while might have reassurance...
I do appreciate the opportunity and I said straight away I would like to accept, I know I could go back to the pump and separate sensor etc if I try looping and feel it is not working...I think the technology is great and in theory I am on board, but just feel a bit apprehensive too...
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I don't think that's anything out of the ordinary, frankly! Oh yes I'd like to try HCL myself, too - but I also know it would be different, same as pumping is to MDI. But how different? - the jurys out on that one at the mo - so I look forward to hearing details - gory and otherwise - from you 'in due course', please!
It’s totally normal to feel apprehensive @curlygirl I think the vast majority of people would, to varying extents. I turned down a loop around a year ago. Not everyone wants one so don’t feel bad about your thoughts. You can try it and see what you think 🙂

@Saoirse uses CamAps to loop with the Dana i pump. I’ve tagged her but you can also look back at her posts about looping.

Entirely natural to have some nerves. It’s a lot to get used to. I would recommend doing the training course on the camps webpage if you have not already as this will give you a headstart with things and help to answer some questions. All your experience of managing you diabetes up until now will help you as running a loop is helped (in my opinion) on having good basics (carb ratios correct, pre bolus timings, etc.) The first two weeks while it is learning are important, and try to leave it alone as much as possible. Caveat to that is yes there are moments where I do take over, but I try to limit these to the times where it’s imperative. Ultimately I will always trust myself over the loop but I let it do the work most of the time when things are within normal circumstances. In the case of a hypo or a rapid fall, I still rely on fingerpricks as the dex can lag. also it may help to know that it’s very easy to take it out of loop, on my version of the app it’s just toggling in an out of auto mode. any questions, please ask.
This is exciting to read, and understandable you feel mixed. Please keep us updated.
I have said yes to being one of the first for my diabetes team, haven't had any update since this though.
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