Libre 2

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all , I have got one of the libre 2 devices on the 14 day free trial, mainly to use whilst I am on holiday ( UK obviously ) , so I don't have to do so many finger prick testing while at restaurants etc, and to keep an eye on my levels whilst out walking/ sightseeing.
I have seen a lot of negative comments about the libre regarding inaccuracy and other failings, so was wondering if it really was worth me giving it a try.
What's your thoughts ?
Hi Martin - it's definitely not perfect but diabetes care never is.

It can be inaccurate and there can be issues at times but in my ex perience these problems have been infrequent and minor in regards to how much the libre has changed my life for the better.

I do wonder if some of the negative comments have been made in comparison to other CGM's and if this is the case I can't comment as I've only ever used the libre.

Anyway, I've had diabetes for 30 years and I've probably learnt more about my condition through the sensor than the previous years without it.

Please do let us know how you get on with it and if you decide to continue using it.
I also did the free trial. I found the trial just that... a bit if a trial tbh.

It's only since putting on my second sensor, which I bought my self as I'm having to self fund, that I've found I've started to get the hang of using the data it provides usefully.
I worked through all of the modules which @everydayupsanddowns Mike linked me to and found these invaluable in making sense of what was going on. I hope Mike doesn't mind me linking to them here:

I'm not sure I would have wanted to be on holiday trying to have a relaxing time whilst wearing it as it felt like a lot to take on board but then again you've got to put it on sometime so maybe whilst away from the usual stresses of daily life might work for you.
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@Martin62 I have been using the Libre 1 for over a year and the Libre 2 for a few months. My experience of it are the same as other CGMs (I have used Dexcom 4 and 6).
- it takes a while to bed in. I insert my sensors at least two days before activating. This is longer than Libre 1.
- it is most accurate between about 4 and 8 mol/l. Anything outside of this range, basically when needing to make a correction, I check with finger pricks.
- the 15 minute delay can be very obvious when blood sugars are changing quickly. The most obvious times for me are during exercise and when correcting a hypo.
- the sensor can drift through its life. Therefore, I always check with finger pricks first thing in the morning and last thing at night. When my levels are stable.
- Abbott customer support is good if you phone them if you have a problem with the sensor.

I am not a huge fan of the LibreLink app and prefer to use xDrip. This has the added advantages of not needing to scan, i can calibrate and my current level is displayed on my Lock Screen. However, it is a bit of a faff to set up so for a 14 day trial, I would stick to the LibreLink,
Thanks for sharing that link @Peely66 - I think those videos are really helpful.

Hope you get on well with it @Martin62

It can take a while to get used to the peculiarities of CGM or Flash, but I find them really helpful, and Libre 2 has been very accurate when I’ve used it.
@Martin62 I have been using the Libre 1 for over a year and the Libre 2 for a few months. My experience of it are the same as other CGMs (I have used Dexcom 4 and 6).
- it takes a while to bed in. I insert my sensors at least two days before activating. This is longer than Libre 1.
- it is most accurate between about 4 and 8 mol/l. Anything outside of this range, basically when needing to make a correction, I check with finger pricks.
- the 15 minute delay can be very obvious when blood sugars are changing quickly. The most obvious times for me are during exercise and when correcting a hypo.
- the sensor can drift through its life. Therefore, I always check with finger pricks first thing in the morning and last thing at night. When my levels are stable.
- Abbott customer support is good if you phone them if you have a problem with the sensor.

I am not a huge fan of the LibreLink app and prefer to use xDrip. This has the added advantages of not needing to scan, i can calibrate and my current level is displayed on my Lock Screen. However, it is a bit of a faff to set up so for a 14 day trial, I would stick to the LibreLink,
Hi helli - sorry to derail the thread a bit but do you know if the xdrip app can be linked up to hospitals like the libre app?
Hi helli - sorry to derail the thread a bit but do you know if the xdrip app can be linked up to hospitals like the libre app?
xDrip cannot be linked to hospital apps but there are some options such as NightScout and Tidepool. I have not used these so only know there is a setting in the app.
I have been using the Libre 2 for a few months now. I self funded to start with but now after showing my consultant the difference it has made to my diabetes control but also the difference it has made to my mental health they have prescribed it for me now.
It’s not an exclusive tool you need to still check with finger pricks particularly with rapidly changing levels. I always put my new sensor on a day before so it has time to ‘settle’ so to speak.
I have learnt so much about ‘my’ diabetes from the Libre and it has given me a bit of freedom back around food! I still keep to a lower carb diet but I am happy to have treats now without ‘worrying’
Enjoy your holiday!!!
Hi @Martin62

I found that using the Libre was a game changer for me.
It showed me what was happening through the day, and in particular introduced me to pre bolusing for meals to reduce the spikes. It also helped me to make modifications to our meals and portion sizes until I was happy with what I saw (most of the time).

When exercising I found the Libre very helpful. Swimming it was easy to swipe the sensor and read the big display to see whether I needed some juice for the next ten lengths. For badminton easy and quick to check between games and by topping up as necessary I avoided having to stop playing due to lows.

The time lag took a bit of time to get me head round but it was worth it. My HbA1c dropped by 10 soon after using the Libre, and my confidence increased.
For my daughter (16YO, newly diagnosed this year) the Libre has been a game changer, really helped to manage the trauma of the diagnosis. You have to get used to the delay vs blood glucose but thats reallynot too bad. It's just been very freeing for her as a new diabetic to lose the finger pricking. Having said that- of 7 sensors, we've had 2 fail.....very low readings which did not right themselves. We get the Libre via the NHS, but a limited number of sensors only. Abbott have been a real pain in replacing faulty ones (you need to send a lot of BG readings vs Libre, more than we had) so i am assuming i will need to budget to buy a few myself. Disappointing that you can't read it with a smartwatch but hopefully that will come before too long
Disappointing that you can't read it with a smartwatch but hopefully that will come before too long
If you don't mind a bit of techy tinkering, you can set up a phone app like xDrip to read Libre 2 via Bluetooth so no need to scan, it just appears on the phone. And then the phone can forward the readings to a smart watch. You still need the phone, though.

I prefer xDrip to LibreLink as I can calibrate the readings and display them on my lock screen to glance at without scanning. But it is a bit of a nerds tool with regards to setting it up.
I don't have a smart watch.
If you don't mind a bit of techy tinkering, you can set up a phone app like xDrip to read Libre 2 via Bluetooth so no need to scan, it just appears on the phone. And then the phone can forward the readings to a smart watch. You still need the phone, though.

I prefer xDrip to LibreLink as I can calibrate the readings and display them on my lock screen to glance at without scanning. But it is a bit of a nerds tool with regards to setting it up.
I don't have a smart watch.
Oooh that is really interesting, I had no idea that was possible. My 16YO will do all the nerd stuff necessary 😉 she is very keen to try this on her watch. I haven't seen xDrip yet so i will take a look at that, having it on the lockscreen sounds very useful. thanks for the tip! I am really interested in some of the emerging tech for this- as a newbie to T1DM, in some ways it seems miraculous and in others i am a bit stunned by how primitive some of the treatment still seems to be, not so different from school friends in the 90s... sorry, i am sure that is not an original observation😉
@Martin62 I've just been reminded of something which has become second nature to me after a few years of Libreing but should probably be highlighted - the sensor only stores 8 hours of data and downloads it when you scan. So to get a full picture you need to scan at least every 8 hours. Otherwise, you will see gaps in your data.
Hi all , I have got one of the libre 2 devices on the 14 day free trial, mainly to use whilst I am on holiday ( UK obviously ) , so I don't have to do so many finger prick testing while at restaurants etc, and to keep an eye on my levels whilst out walking/ sightseeing.
I have seen a lot of negative comments about the libre regarding inaccuracy and other failings, so was wondering if it really was worth me giving it a try.
What's your thoughts ?
I find the libre 2 better than the libre 1 except that it seems to need to more frequent charging up. My libre 1 used to last nearly a week.
I find the libre 2 better than the libre 1 except that it seems to need to more frequent charging up. My libre 1 used to last nearly a week.
I assume you mean the reader rather than the sensor which does not require charger.
The free trial does not include the reader (only sensor) so this will not be a problem @Martin62 is likely to experience during his holiday.
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Hi. I've just finished my free trial and have started buying the sensors now. I've found it an amazing device. It has shown how wrong I have been with my Basal splits and can see the effects of bad Bolus amounts and food types. I just use my mobile phone with Librelink which is perfectly adequate. I have found the alarms really useful. Sadly due to a badly designed Abbott website I ordered Libre 1 sensors last time instead of Libre 2 so don't click the 'Sensors' link but click the 'Freestyle Libre 2 system' link. I will have to do without the alarms for a few weeks.
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