Libre 2

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am off on holiday and getting conflicting answers as to whether or not I can wear my sensor when going through the airport arch and also whether or not my spare sensor is able to go through the x Ray scanner or not and do I need a letter. Thank you for any help.
I’ve been through normal scanner and full body scanner many times, also put my spare sensors through x-Ray, with no issues whatsoever. I do carry a doctors letter confirming the need to carry insulin, needles, sensors etc but in 28 years never had to show it!
Thank you that’s great. I have a letter re insulin etc so will ask for one for Libre
My letter makes no mention of my sensors. But there again, I have never declared tham and let them through the x-ray, if unattached, and archway, if attached.
I have never experienced failure or problems and they have never been detected in many many flights.
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