Libre 2 vs Dexcom One?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Happy Friday 🙂
I received confirmation for my glucose monitor through the NHS today, yipee!

I’m hoping for insights into genuine pros & cons of living with these meters. Any tips would be appreciated, I’d love to hear personal stories about the Libre 2 and/or Dexcom One to help me choose for my diabetes.

My main priorities are:
~ Reliability. I’m obsessive with my blood testing and control so need something I can trust.
~ Ease of use. I’m not fussed about crazy apps and tech, the more straightforward, the better!
~ Comfort. I have 2 horses and live a very active life so need something practical and comfortable.

I’ll be grateful for any advice. Thank you so much.
Hi and welcome.

I have 4 horses (mine mostly old now) and my partner has another 3 so I can understand your concerns about CGM. I have Libre and I love it. Libre is only authorized for use on the back of your upper arm and it is an area when sweaty, itchy horses like to scrub often before you get their bridle off. I invested in an elastic arm strap and it has been well worth while for protecting it. It is basically a 3D printed plastic watch face which fits perfectly around the Libre sensor and an adjustable elastic strap. They come in a variety of colours from natural skin tone to loud and proud neons and everything in between if you want to match an outfit etc. I got mine off ebay.

I use my Libre with a reader rather than a phone app. This means I have to scan rather than get the readings automatically sent to my phone but the reader is really small and simple to use and most importantly it doesn't suffer from software issues especially when there is an update to your phone operating system. I tried the phone app for a few months but was very happy to go back to the reader for overall reliability and ease of use for me. I imagine if you sit at a desk, having it on your phone may be better but for me, the reader is more basic, but I like that simplicity. I can also use the phone app at the same time but I generally only do so when I have had to leave the reader on charge and my reader generally goes a week between charges, whereas my phone needed charging every night and sometimes the signal would drop out even when it was charging overnight on the bedside table next to where I was sleeping. I scan approx 34 times a day and whilst I would not say I a obsessive I like to keep a close eye on things.

As regards which system will suit you best, it can come down to "body chemistry" and some people don't get good results with Libre but they do with Dexcom and vice versa.
Abbott do a free 2 week trial of the Libre, so perhaps it might be worth you applying direct to Abbott for the free trial and see how you get on with it before you decide which you want prescribing. You would not get a reader with the free trial and would have to use the phone app but it is compatible with a very broad range of phones. Then if you find you don't get on with it, you can opt for the Dexcom.

As regards pros and cons, you might do well to read the list of limitations that @helli composed, which is in the link below...

There are times when you will need to finger prick but I can go 14 days with maybe just 2 or 3 finger pricks sometimes and others I might need a few more, but much, much less than before I got Libre and the data it gives you is a game changer both in terms of managing your levels with less variation but also just mentally. I now treat it as a bit of a long running computer game rather than a health concern, where I try to keep my levels in range 3.9-10 as much as possible, using very small carb treats or insulin and just nudge my levels one way or the other to stay in range. I follow a low carb way of eating so I don't generally get large meal spikes and my levels tend to just wander up and down,

Anyway, now that I have covered that.... lets get to the important stuff! :D Let's hear about your horses and what you do with them? I am just a pleasure rider and carriage driver, but my partner hunts in the winter and shows single, pairs and tandem at carriage driving with his lads. Do you have any photos?
~ Reliability. I’m obsessive with my blood testing and control so need something I can trust.
Probably Dexcom One would be better for that. Dexcom has been around longer and is generally respected.
~ Ease of use. I’m not fussed about crazy apps and tech, the more straightforward, the better!
Libre 2 is probably slightly better in that respect just because it's a sensor on its own that's applied to your upper arm. Dexcom One also needs a transmitter which some report can be a bit fiddly to attach to the sensor.

Otherwise they're about even. They cost (to the NHS) about the same and they're about as easy in regular use (presuming you're using a smartphone). (If you don't have a smartphone, I suspect Dexcom's receiver might well be slightly easier. But still there's probably not that much in it.) Libre 2 sensors last (up to) 14 days, and Dexcom One sensors 10 days. Dexcom One allows calibration against test strips (sometimes sensors are a bit out in a consistent direction and the app allows adjusting for that, which the Libre 2 app doesn't).

It seems that for some people, one works well and the other just doesn't. Presumably something to do with body chemistry or something. But it can be either way, so it's just a case of trying the other one if the first one doesn't seem to work.

There are straps and things that can help keep the things attached if the glue seems insufficient. (If, say, you worked around horses or something.)
I prefer libre. When the dexcom transmitter fails that’s it no more cgm till you get a replacement. With libre you can report the failure online without needing to ring anyone and you can just put a new sensor on and have cgm back in an hour if there’s any failures.

Prefer the libres 14 day cycle too then it runs out on a convenient day of the week over the dexcom 10 day cycle too.

Plus dexcom wasn’t sticky.

Someone else will come and tell you dexcom is better now. It’s a personal decision though, none of our opinions will tell you which is best for you
The only downside for me with the Libre 2 is I would like more options in terms of site. I haven't lost one yet playing rugby, and I have even started not even using stickers on it at all this season. On Sunday I did use Vetwrap as this one is starting to peel at the edges with 3 days left, don't want to loose one early, and it is fine now.

Love the horse story @rebrascora, I grew up around them and hadn't even thought of this. And my husband did offer me a strap as you mentioned as he loves 3D printing but I feel that's more likely to get pulled off in contact. Different hobbies, different considerations.

Another plus can be which sensor can be used with a pump as closed loop. Not sure if you are on a pump.

The opposition we played on Sunday have a person with diabetes, talking with her and she has the dexicom and she is on closed loop with (I think) a Tslim. She takes off the pump for matches. I like having a pump I can keep on for rugby but I would swap for HCL if needed. She said her levels stayed at 6 the whole match and mine peaked at 14. She said her's did before HCL.
I used libre sensors since 2017, I got sick and tired of the constant errors and failures of the sensor itself especially the last 12 months.
I have been trying the Dexcom One now for 2 months, I have not had a single error, or sensor failure.
I find the application of the Dexcom much less painful than Libre.
I have had absolutely no stress or hassle whatsoever.
I rang Dexcom once as I was enquiring about the extra adhesive patches that you can use to prevent any peeling.
I received them the next day by DPD along with another sensor.
I have a spare transmitter too, for when mine needs replacing.
I personally cannot tell you the relief it is to now know I have a reliable CGM to use.
Libre sensors just do not like me, but then again my wife has similar issues with her Libre too

Just my opinions.
We all differ. Some find Libre better and some find Dexcom better. Until you try them, there is no way of knowing which suits you best.
For example, word on the street is that Dexcom is far more superior in its reliability and accuracy. I trialled it. The first sensor failed the second didn’t last the full 10 days and neither were very accurate. But that’s my body, not yours.
Libre is available for a free trial. Why not request a trial and see how you get on?
Sadly, I am not aware of a Dexcom trial.
I find dexcom very accurate...but very few people start on dexcom so people who have done both have normally done so cos libre failed...hence lots of libre fail stories, less dexcom fail ones
Libre 2 works for me, and I have no comparison. Not had many issues, sometimes the odd one since 2020 has been faulty or glitched, not stuck but its maybe 4 or 5 in 4 years. And they are great with spares.
I was on libre 2 for about 4 years once it upgraded to the new function of not needing to manually swipe it 2/4 sensors failed per prescription so i asked to switch to the dexcom one, none have failed so far ive used 6 in a row, the functionality is less but thats fine for me. My DSN also suggested that because im already on the dexcom one it will be easier for me to switch over to dexcom and omnipod 5 at my next appointment
On on my 8th sensor now, still no issues and it's very accurate too
I was on libre 2 for about 4 years once it upgraded to the new function of not needing to manually swipe it 2/4 sensors failed per prescription so i asked to switch to the dexcom one, none have failed so far ive used 6 in a row, the functionality is less but thats fine for me. My DSN also suggested that because im already on the dexcom one it will be easier for me to switch over to dexcom and omnipod 5 at my next appointment
Hi Naomi. I’ve been using the Libre 2 for 3 years now with very few problems but I’m considering changing to dexcom 1 as i understand that it syncs with an Apple Watch which I use for OW swimming. You mentioned the functionality is less, can you give me a few more details please and what you think of it overall. Many thanks. David
Hi Naomi. I’ve been using the Libre 2 for 3 years now with very few problems but I’m considering changing to dexcom 1 as i understand that it syncs with an Apple Watch which I use for OW swimming. You mentioned the functionality is less, can you give me a few more details please and what you think of it overall. Many thanks. David
A dexcom doesn’t communicate directly to a watch so isn’t going to give bgs on your Apple Watch whilst you swim
A dexcom doesn’t communicate directly to a watch so isn’t going to give bgs on your Apple Watch whilst you swim
I appreciate this post was asking about Dexcom One and your answer presumably meant Dex One. For completeness (or accuracy) Dexcom G7 does communicate to my Samsung watch through my android phone. I've never used anything "i" so I don't know how this works with apple products.

Also my android phone is not waterproof and my scuba experiences have taught me that so-called waterproof bags or boxes (eg for cameras) tend to fail unless you spend a great deal of money and have a lot of preparation and maintenance time to spare - which I think might be prohibitive for swimming.

In terms of functionality, what might I lose if I change from Libre?
The lost functionality with Dexcom One was, as I remember, in absolutely no event logging capability and none of the tables or reports that Libre 2 generate within the Libre 2 app. You can get some analysis from the web based Clarity "app" ( technically its probably a link rather than an app); but I found Clarity very slow to get going and I only got pdf reports that answered only pre-set queries. The more queries asked the longer it took to get answers.

On Dexcom G7 I can't take a screenshot; it's a deliberate security constraint by Dexcom for G7; [WHY - for goodness sake??? Since the limited daily reports from the app only allow you to see the last 24 hours and not a minute more, in order to compare an event yesterday with today you have to go to the tedious Clarity link just to briefly look back!] So I guess that prevention of screenshots will be so for Dexcom One as well; I didn't try.

I did not like the 2 part hardware for Dexcom One. You get a 10 day sensor but have to clip a 90 day transmitter on top and then move that from sensor to sensor 9 times.

Overall I found Dexcom One constraining and stressful. BUT my body was more compatible with Dexcom One than it was with Libre 2 and since I had a 50% failure rate with Libre 2, Dexcom One was at least more reliable than Libre 2.
I appreciate this post was asking about Dexcom One and your answer presumably meant Dex One. For completeness (or accuracy) Dexcom G7 does communicate to my Samsung watch through my android phone.
I think you missed the key word directly. Your dexcom g7 does not communicate directly to your watch either. You’d have to have your phone swimming with you to see bgs on your watch when swimming
I applied the Libre 2 this morning for the first time. I have a HbA1c of 54 and will be starting the Oviva on 14th April (first time I could get an appointment) So applied for the two week trial of Libre. First reading 8.2, that is before eating or drinking anything this morning but hoping that number will come down over next couple of weeks before starting Oviva.
I think you missed the key word directly. Your dexcom g7 does not communicate directly to your watch either. You’d have to have your phone swimming with you to see bgs on your watch when swimming
I beleive direct to watch reading are planned for g7 though
Libre is available for a free trial. Why not request a trial and see how you get on?
Sadly, I am not aware of a Dexcom trial.

That’s not a bad idea. Get a free trial with Libre2 and see how it works for you. If it works and you like it - job done!

Tbh, when I shifted to my current pump I needed reassurance for my own sanity that Dex would suit my body chemistry, so sprang for the £150 starter pack. It worked fine, so I was confident to move to the tSlim pump and self funded for a few years until Christmas just gone, when I got NHS funding
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