Libre 2 users

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Can anyone post a picture showing where you have your sensor, as I am having trouble with mine and think it might be in the wrong place.
Here is mine20220723_133202.jpg
It's constantly reading low, up to 3mmol below bg
Sensors have a tendency to be less than accurate when first installed. So give it 24 hours and if still a problem report it and new one will be sent.
Sensors have a tendency to be less than accurate when first installed. So give it 24 hours and if still a problem report it and new one will be sent.
Yes I did the 24hr wait before activation, I reported a faulty sensor last Monday and a replacement is on its way, I feel a bit awkward about phoning again this week to report another one , maybe I'm the problem not the sensor ??
Yes I did the 24hr wait before activation, I reported a faulty sensor last Monday and a replacement is on its way, I feel a bit awkward about phoning again this week to report another one , maybe I'm the problem not the sensor ??
You are not the problem I can assure you. If you read the forum there are so many complaints about faulty sensors it's beyond a joke.
Why should the NHS or you if self funded have to pay for faulty goods which is basically what they are.
Yes I did the 24hr wait before activation, I reported a faulty sensor last Monday and a replacement is on its way, I feel a bit awkward about phoning again this week to report another one , maybe I'm the problem not the sensor ??
I agree with @Pumper_Sue, you are not the problem . I don't have too much success with Libre 2, currently over 50% replacements. But I generally stick with a poor sensor because the benefits of the CGM generally outweigh the alternative. I find my failures go in groups - I didn't meticulously check the batch numbers, so 2 or more replacements in a fortnight doesn't surprise me.

The main thing is getting the trend and then mentally calibrating the difference between sensor and actual BG as a reassurance check. At least 2 sensors recently have displayed high interstitial over actual BG in the upper range and the reverse in the lower range; that's really confusing and is a trigger for me to seek a replacement. I'll work with a differential of 3, but not more, even though that plays havoc with my LibreView statistics. I put brief notes into LibreView to keep a record of when poor stats are solely because of sensor inaccuracy.
I have removed that sensor as it was just staying between 2 and 3 , strangely enough it came off really easily, normally they are stuck like limpets, and the little filament was bent, which would probably account for the low readings.
I have removed that sensor as it was just staying between 2 and 3 , strangely enough it came off really easily, normally they are stuck like limpets, and the little filament was bent, which would probably account for the low readings.
See it wasn't your fault was it? 🙂
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