Libre 2 unusual issue for me

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Hi all

Libre 2 has been brilliant for me recently with the readings a very good match for blood glucose (most of the time) and the alarms being really useful.

However last night I inserted a new sensor. A lot of blood spurted out (not the really unusual bit, although only the second time it has happened). I started the sensor straight away with reader then phone (usually insert a day or two in advance but had forgotten which arm the previous sensor was on and knocked it off when drying myself after a bath!).
Sensor gave low readings then dropped to 3.0 and stayed there. I went to bed hoping it would sort itself out overnight.
This morning I scanned with the reader and got "sensor not working, apply new sensor" message. I then scanned with the phone, expecting to see a similar message but it gave me a reading. It's now reading over 2 below blood glucose but fairly consistent.
It's a new one for me! Anyone else had this happen?
It's a new one for me! Anyone else had this happen?
Yes, I had exactly that. (Well, no blood.) My guess was that the little tube hadn't gone far enough through the skin or something (so the application failed). Regardless, Abbott replaced it in a couple of days (actually sent me two replacement sensors for some reason).

Oh, missed the part about the phone. No, my phone also refused to read it after that.
Yes, I had exactly that. (Well, no blood.) My guess was that the little tube hadn't gone far enough through the skin or something (so the application failed). Regardless, Abbott replaced it in a couple of days (actually sent me two replacement sensors for some reason).

Oh, missed the part about the phone. No, my phone also refused to read it after that.

Thanks, @Bruce Stephens . I've also experienced both reader and phone not wanting to read a sensor but not just one of them before.
As I've lost my alarms I'll be contacting Abbott tomorrow.
As I've lost my alarms I'll be contacting Abbott tomorrow.
If the reader says "sensor not working, apply new sensor", that's one of the easy cases: you should apply a new sensor, and I'd expect Abbott to replace it. (As they do in most cases, but this one's really straightforward.)
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