Libre 2 - Teething Issues

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Folks - needs some assistance

I've been Type 1 for about 7 years (late onset) and have recently moved over to Libre 2 which I thought would be a much better solution than finger pricking etc.

I have had 3 sensors fail or have issues in the last week.

Sensor 1 - Fitted to arm, connected for the hour countdown but then did not provide any readings - phoned Abbotts who took details and posted a replacement which is yet to arrive.
Sensor 2 - Fitted, connected and worked for 4 days (yesterday) with the countdown saying I had 10 days left on the sensor. During the day I set up the automated alarms to notify high and low readings. Later in the day went to take a reading only to be told that the sensor had expired and to replace with a new sensor.
Sensor 3 - Fitted, connected and worked for the remainder of yesterday, overnight and for a couple of readings today. I purposely did not set up any Alarms in case that was the issue with Sensor 2. On a regular reading I received notification that my sensor had expired and to replace.

The error code was Error 337

The only thought I've got is that my phone is faulty and is causing the issue. I will be asking my surgery for a Reader to record my readings which is not ideal however will accept if it solves the issue.

As a newbie to Libre 2 has anyone else had any issues like this?
You are not alone, @whitepog I know @Kaylz has been less than impressed with Libre 2.
On the other hand some of us (including me) have had less issues than the first Libre.
Seems to be luck of the draw. I use my Android phone - never used the reader because it would be something else I might lose. I only use the official LibreLink app to start each sensor and occasionally scan if I get unexpected results in xDrip compared to finger pricks.
There have been a few issues with Apple phones. I remember a thread about it but don't remember the details.
I’m on my fifth Libre 2 sensor. I use a reader as my iPhone is ancient apparently! I can honestly say apart from one incident when the low alarm went off through the night and I wasn’t low, I haven’t had an iota of a problem. I haven’t had any fall off either.
On the Libre Freestyle UK FB page there seems to be a lot more problems with phone users it seems. Could be coincidence I don’t know. Hope you get it sorted.
As @helli has said I am not impressed with the Libre 2 at all, I used the Libre 1 for 2 years with little problems and only a few replacements, I started using Libre 2 in around June and I'm on my 11th or 12th replacement out of about 18 sensors as of last week, I've had 1 that failed to start after the 1 hour warm up and the rest have worked for varying amounts of days and then ended themselves, there were issues with a few batches so I wouldn't be lying the blame on your phone

GP's don't generally prescribe the Libre reader and I'm not sure how you'd be able to obtain one at the moment as Abbott themselves have been out of stock of Libre readers for a good couple of months now xx
The error code would suggest a physical problem with the sensor such as not being attached properly, probably due to an error in application. It's not your phone.
I've now been using the Libre 2 for 6 months with very few issues. It's important to apply it on the fleshy part of the arm. I've never had one fall off and never have to worry about it being on me and what I do.
Been using libre 2 for some time now, no issues & find it much more accurate than 1 version, only use phone now to start sensor & scan, in fact cant recall last time used reader.
The error code would suggest a physical problem with the sensor such as not being attached properly, probably due to an error in application. It's not your phone.
Mike - Could you expand as I cannot find a description of Error code specified online or via the user manual.

If would tend to agree on the application method if I didn't have 4 full days of multiple reading then a failure for no apparent reason. The sensor is still attached firmly to my tricep with no movement or loss of adhesion.
Hi Folks - needs some assistance

I've been Type 1 for about 7 years (late onset) and have recently moved over to Libre 2 which I thought would be a much better solution than finger pricking etc.

I have had 3 sensors fail or have issues in the last week.

Sensor 1 - Fitted to arm, connected for the hour countdown but then did not provide any readings - phoned Abbotts who took details and posted a replacement which is yet to arrive.
Sensor 2 - Fitted, connected and worked for 4 days (yesterday) with the countdown saying I had 10 days left on the sensor. During the day I set up the automated alarms to notify high and low readings. Later in the day went to take a reading only to be told that the sensor had expired and to replace with a new sensor.
Sensor 3 - Fitted, connected and worked for the remainder of yesterday, overnight and for a couple of readings today. I purposely did not set up any Alarms in case that was the issue with Sensor 2. On a regular reading I received notification that my sensor had expired and to replace.

The error code was Error 337

The only thought I've got is that my phone is faulty and is causing the issue. I will be asking my surgery for a Reader to record my readings which is not ideal however will accept if it solves the issue.

As a newbie to Libre 2 has anyone else had any issues like this?
Hi. I've had almost the same problems. First sensor worked for 7 days, then was told to "replace sensor" (error 365), second one lasted 7 hours with "sensor ended" (error 337). Both went wrong during the night, which might be a coincidence. They were fitting fine.
I think we've got to go through the hassle of using the help lines, so they know we have problems. When it works, it's a life changer. I'm going to try and keep the faith for a bit longer.
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