Libre 2 target range advice

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have just got a libre 2 sensor and confused as to what the target range should be? I’m type 2, diet controlled, but my hba1c has been high due to a year of poor health and no exercise.
I’ve only worn it overnight and the graph is showing peaks all over the place … is that normal overnight?? I have set the high for 9.5 but wondering if that is too high or low?
Any advice for a sensor newbie gratefully received …
with libre if you lay on it it can show compression lows where you lie on the side of your body with the sensor on and restrict the movement of the fluid where it can read showing spikes all over the place as you lay on and off it. Just saying that is a possibility of why it can be spikey.
Also there are are overnight raises your body can do called dawn phenomenon where your body "helpfully" drops glucose into your bloodstream to use up while hunting your breakfast. It didn't get the memo we have fridges yet and boxes of cereal then your body does its thing and drops you back down.
Just a couple of reasons why it could be that other than it was what your levels were actually doing (which is also possible).

Personally I would switch off the alarms. You aren't on medication that lowers glucose levels so any lows aren't going to be anything other than your body doing its job and you cant do a thing about the highs as again, no meds to help there so little point disturbing yourself.

My high alarm is set for 13.5-15 (depends on how I have been trending) and my low set for 4.5 so I can deal with either of those numbers immediately with insulin/carbs.

Scan as often as you like but remember you are building a picture of trends and try not to react to each and every bump. It is normal to see ups and downs in non diabetics. Use the logging features (notes) and tracks carbs and even make a note of meal you ate if you want to.

If you log onto and click glucose reports I find it easier to see a picture of whats been going on vs flipping through the app 😉
@KD12 you mention you have only worn the sensor overnight. Bear in mind our body can take time to familiarise itself with a foreign object in our arm which can affect readings for up to 48 hours. As a result the first night's readings can be misleading.
As @gll mentioned, you are looking for trends which will even out over the life of the sensor.
However, it is imptti understand the limitations of all CGMs which are well documented. Even though their manufacturers rarely mention them
I think it’s quite a personal question - and particularly with a device like Libre2 which has optional alarms, there’s an argument for personalising your range so that it’s helpful for you and your glucose management rather than adhering to some notional general targets.

The International Expert Consensus on Time In Range uses 4-10 as it’s zone, and recommends 70%+ as ideal (with no more than 3-4% below 4.0). I think that was more targeted at T1 though.

The general guidance for T2 as far as fingerstick glucose was concerned always used to be 4-8.5 as the ideal range.

Hope you find a setting that works for you 🙂
As Type 2 dietary managed unless you are using the sensor for a trial period to get an idea of how your body handles carbohydrate it is very expensive and you may be better to spend your money on good quality foods that suit your dietary approach. You could keep good track of your progress week to week by strategic finger prick testing.
I have read about some people with type 2 who use a CGM to identify which foods suit their body for 2 weeks and develop a diet/lifestyle strategy based on the 2 weeks of data. Then spend a few weeks following this strategy without a CGM and, occasionally, buying a sensor to check progress and refine their strategy.
This provides them with very useful data, track progress and tweak their strategy without breaking the bank.
I have just got a libre 2 sensor and confused as to what the target range should be? I’m type 2, diet controlled, but my hba1c has been high due to a year of poor health and no exercise.
I’ve only worn it overnight and the graph is showing peaks all over the place … is that normal overnight?? I have set the high for 9.5 but wondering if that is too high or low?
Any advice for a sensor newbie gratefully received …

What sort of highs and lows were you seeing?
What was your sleep like?
Unbroken, peaceful sleep is very different to broken nightmare sleep!
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