Libre 2 Sensors Not Working


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all!!
I've been using the libre sensors for a while now and haven't had a problem! Other than the unfortunately often 'try again in 10 minutes' message when I've got the worst hypo imaginable But in the past week I've had to replace my sensor 3 times!!! With each sensor I get the message 'Sensor is not working. Replace the sensor and try again.' I've been putting it on the same area I always have and I feel it apply... Its becoming a real problem. I was wondering if anyone else has been having this problem?


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That is not an error I have seen.
I would recommend contacting Abbott if you have not done so already.
I've had that occasionally, and Abbott have always replaced the faulty sensor after contacting them.

Coincidentally, I had one early this month. Dodgy batch of PCBs perhaps?
Sorry to hear you’ve had problems with a few consecutive Libre sensors. Do get in touch with Abbott - they will want to keep an eye on serial and lot numbers, and will want to know if more than the expected number of failures.

They generally also send replacements where sensors haven’t worked as expected.