So I’ve been using these sensors for less than 2 weeks now and frustratingly on sensor number 3 now.
The first one had 11 days to go the second one just now 8 days.
What I’ve noted after a few days I get more signal loss messages and then they stop working for ages, rescanning. I’ve been on the phone to abbots support gone through all the steps with them. They’ve replaced the first one and are going to with the second one.
A few years back I used the original ones and gave up due to reliability.
They just don’t seem to be reliable I’m getting no where with these sensors
I have the option to go to dexecom
The first one had 11 days to go the second one just now 8 days.
What I’ve noted after a few days I get more signal loss messages and then they stop working for ages, rescanning. I’ve been on the phone to abbots support gone through all the steps with them. They’ve replaced the first one and are going to with the second one.
A few years back I used the original ones and gave up due to reliability.
They just don’t seem to be reliable I’m getting no where with these sensors
I have the option to go to dexecom