Libre 2 sensors: Airport travel

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is it OK for Libre2 sensors to go through airport X-ray? I’m thinking about spares going through with cabin luggage on the conveyor, and the one I’m wearing going through the X-ray arch. Hoping to get away soon after two years of lockdown!
I have been taking Libre sensors through airport scanners for years with no trouble.
Insulin pumps should not go through them but Libre and CGMs are fine and dandy in airports. I don’t think security have ever noticed mine and they work fine afterwards.

Enjoy your trip.
I took my Libre 1 spares on holiday in June, they went through the security Xray and were fine as they were not activated. The "arch" is actually a metal detector and that's fine too, but I wouldn't advise going through the full body scanner. I don't go through it because I wear an insulin pump and the manufacturer has advised against it. Sometimes the security bods just swipe the pump with a wipe thing, sometimes they get a bit agitated and call their supervisor, who just swipes it!
StewB, I have just (last Thursday) taken a spare Libra 2 sensor through security at Heathrow with no problems, and have been using it since Saturday without any particular issues. I had the sensor in my carry on luggage. I never go through the metal detector arch as I have a pacemaker, in addition to my insulin pump and Libra 2 so couldn't say if they might cause problems with the sensor that is being actively used
Libre are fine in the full body scanner. I have removed my pump and gone through them with a Libre attached multiple times and had no issues.
Thanks @helli for letting us know. I've never taken my pump off to go through so I wasn't sure about the Libre. I do know from early days on the FB Libre group that library Xray scanners used to break the sensors. I expect that's been resolved now.
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