Libre 2 sensor with reader & phone use

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Relationship to Diabetes
Please forgive me I’m totally new to this , brief outline of our problem is that my disabled 12 year old granddaughter was diagnosed type 1 last summer . She’s been using a libre sensor since last October we’ve been experiencing issues with alarms during the night and was advised my libre to use a reader. Sadly my daughter was not given much support or guidance in the use of this and when she first tried to set it up in the next sensor change it was then discovered she should have scanned with the reader first so she’s waited the 14 days life of that sensor to do it the other way round and now she cannot use the iPhone on the sensor at all as now the phone says it cannot be used because it’s being used in another device !! .. basically all I need to know is can you use BOTH at the same time ie :- scan with reader or phone … due to her being at school during daytime and being cared for by specialist teachers having to take two devices in to school is not ideal … the phone is also used to calculate carbs and add levels etc onto the sugar app so the teachers know dosage of insulin to give but is being problematic during night time when she is sleeping .. but we were led to believe both devices could be set up on one sensor each time … all I need to know is this correct … hopefully this makes sense … daily life at the moment is proving tough for my daughter trying to hold down a job and continual grief with these devices whilst trying to care for her daughter . I give all the support I can but I don’t know the answers to these issues any help or advice would be gratefully received regards Sue
Yes, both devices can be used to scan the sensor IF it is started with the reader. However, the alarms will only be on the device which the sensor is started with. So if you start it with the reader, then the alarms are on the reader but not the phone. If you start it with the phone then the alarms are on the phone and you can't use the reader at all. Not an ideal situation, but far better than the previous situation where all we had was finger pricking or befor that.... boiling up urine with a reagent in a test tube.

Having just used the reader for several years and then the last 2 weeks, had to use a phone, I have to say, I love the ease of use of the reader and will be going back to that as soon as I can (I sadly lost my reader whilst out with the horses 🙄.... absolutely gutted!)

I don't use a bolus calculator and personally I find my mobile phone an intrusion so frequently leave it lying, but reader goes everywhere with me and is simple and convenient. I find the app tediously slow in comparison to the reader and I now understand why people want full CGM.... is no need to scan..... which I believe is about to happen with Libre 2 in the coming days/week via an app update. Not sure how much of that is helpful to your daughter and don't understand why she can't get the phone to work with the sensor as well as the reader, but you won't get alarms on the phone.
Yes, both devices can be used to scan the sensor IF it is started with the reader. However, the alarms will only be on the device which the sensor is started with. So if you start it with the reader, then the alarms are on the reader but not the phone. If you start it with the phone then the alarms are on the phone and you can't use the reader at all. Not an ideal situation, but far better than the previous situation where all we had was finger pricking or befor that.... boiling up urine with a reagent in a test tube.

Having just used the reader for several years and then the last 2 weeks, had to use a phone, I have to say, I love the ease of use of the reader and will be going back to that as soon as I can (I sadly lost my reader whilst out with the horses 🙄.... absolutely gutted!)

I don't use a bolus calculator and personally I find my mobile phone an intrusion so frequently leave it lying, but reader goes everywhere with me and is simple and convenient. I find the app tediously slow in comparison to the reader and I now understand why people want full CGM.... is no need to scan..... which I believe is about to happen with Libre 2 in the coming days/week via an app update. Not sure how much of that is helpful to your daughter and don't understand why she can't get the phone to work with the sensor as well as the reader, but you won't get alarms on the phone.
Thank you so much for your reply and advice I will relay this to my daughter … why I didn’t think of asking on this forum before I really don’t know … only looked on here tonight as was at the end of my wits but I’ve read so much useful info I’ll be strongly advising my daughter to register on here too , once again thanks for your advice really appreciate it , kind regards Sue
Look forward to hearing that your daughter has found a scenario with the devices which works for her.
It is important to understand that Libre has limitations and whilst it has been an absolute game changer for many of us, you cant always take the readings it gives you at face value. For instance, it will record a false low (referred to as a compression low) if your granddaughter lies on it for any length of time during her sleep or at other times of the say, particularly if she is disabled and perhaps sits or lies awkwardly, so it is always important to double check lows with a finger prick, but particularly during the night, before treating with hypo treatment.... unless your granddaughter is very obviously hypo of course. Follow up checks after treating a hypo should also be done with a finger prick as Libre will usually show that levels are still dropping 15 mins after eating hypo treatment, when a finger prick will almost always show them coming back up. It usually takes Libre 30 mins to register the change in BG levels and show recovery..

Anyway, your daughter is most welcome and we look forward to her joining our ranks. There is an immense relief in being able to compare notes with others in a similar position. Whilst we might not all react the same to similar circumstances, we can suggest things that work for us as individuals and that gives you an idea of what to try to see if it will work for you. Good doabetes management is about experimenting to find what works for you as an individual and there is a significant element of trial and improvement. None of us get it right all the time and that is really important to understand and accept. Even the best consultant in the world couldn't get it right all the time, so you (your daughter) should never feel judged or like she is failing. It is incredibly complicated and contrary and just when you start getting it mostly right, the goal posts move and you are back to figuring out a new strategy to get things back on track. Gradually, with time and experience, it becomes easier, so do tell your daughter to hang in there and cut herself some slack, it will gradually start to become more routine and take up a bit less head space. Sending (((HUGS))) to you all. My heart goes out to parents who are trying to manage it for their children.
Nothing to add to @rebrascora detailed responses. Just to reiterate the importance of recognising that none of us get it perfect, because that is IMPOSSIBLE. We just do the best that we can, juggling the many variables.

I am sure your daughter would find lots of support on here as there is a wealth of experience to tap into. No questions are considered silly on here. Just ask.

We look forward to hearing more from you and your daughter.
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