Libre 2 sensor report or not?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Probably a silly question, but I just applied a new sensor this morning and after the initial slight sting on insertion it continued to sting after 5 hours. I guess I should have just put up with it and maybe it would have settled down after a day? Perhaps it hit a nerve or the trauma of the insertion needle caused the stinging? Normally I don’t have problems and never feel or aware of the sensor whilst I wear it (up to sensor 37 now).

Anyway, I decided to remove it and start another new sensor (luckily having a spare one). The new one feels like normal, I.e. I’m not aware of it on my arm and it isn’t stinging like the one from this morning. But now I’m wondering whether to report the first sensor to Abbott and get a replacement? It hasn’t failed and is not faulty as such, just that it was hurting. What do you guys do in these cases?
Yes would be my answer. You needed to remove it because it was causing discomfort. Their product should not cause long term discomfort. You gave it 5 hours to settle down and it didn't, I would keep it in case they want it sending back..... not that I think it is faulty and likely as you say, just nipped a nerve during the insertion, but it would be no different if you hit a blood vessel and it wouldn't stop bleeding or the blood impacted the adhesion. Anyway, they can only say "No" at worst but I am pretty sure they will replace it.
Thanks @rebrascora - I hate wasting them, but couldn’t really put up with it hurting, not when all the others have been so good and painless. I’ll try the online form and see if they’ll send a replacement.
The odd occasion I have had one like that, it usually settles in a day or two at most, but perfectly reasonable to remove it if you can tolerate it.
Pleased to report that Abbott agreed to sending a replacement which I received today. Can’t complain at that!
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