Libre 2 sensor issue.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I'm new here although I always read it when I'm looking for advice.

So I use the libre 2 sensor via the phone app, today I changed the sensor after 14 days and started it normally.
However it appears I can scan and get a reading, but I'm not getting alarms or warnings of signal loss...
So I'm thinking it maybe a sensor issue on the Bluetooth side.
Anyone had this issue or advise? I have a spare just incase..
But don't really want to go in to the night with no sensor working.

Many thanks

Did you start the sensor with the same phone? I believe that alarms etc will only be accessible on the device that activated the sensor so if you did something like start it with the dedicated reader then the phone wouldn't be able to pick them up.

If no joy here, it would be worth running it past Abbott to see what they say. If there's something wrong there, then they should send you a replacement (that won't get charged to the NHS).
Nothings changed apart from the sensor, same phone same device.
I couldn't risk it overnight so I changed sensor again if it was a problem, I didn't go in to my alarms last night, so typically I don't know if it's working this morning or not.

I will get in touch with Abbott this afternoon if I'm still not getting any alarms, as its not a good feeling being out of control.

Thanks for the reply.
If you're needing to check alarms you could always reset alarm numbers. e.g. if current level is 6 then set high threshold as 6.1 and low threshold as 5.9.

All the best.
Good point didn't think of that ... 5.6 at the moment so that should go off in the next 10 mins or so...
If not then I'll call up Abbott, 2 faulty sensors are a bit weird. Although everything seems OK.. Just seems like the Bluetooth isn't working.
From my own experience I think the fault lies with your phone not the sensors. Sometimes, for no reason I can fathom, my settings get altered and alarms aren't available. I just go through all the settings and reset them.
I'm starting to agree with you, however having checked and reset alarms... They are still not working, just checking other Bluetooth devices and that seems fine..
I will give Abbott a call once I know where its heading.
It has been suggested that if you have other/too many Bluetooth devices connected, the Libre may drop out, so it may be your phone at fault and not the sensor. I think some phones can support more than others.
Thanks for your reply...

Pharmacy error they labelled it as libre 2 and stuck the label on the box over the number when it was a libre 1.. Which is why it didn't work.

Really wish these companies would change the colour of box to show Libre 1, 2 and now 3... Instead of in the same box.
My prescription is for 2 Freestyle Libres, but one time my pharmacy issued Freestyle Libre 2s. I didn't notice the error until I got home so I used them. But I told the pharmacy staff to double check next time.

I always check at the counter, but this is the difference in packaging.
libre 1 vs libre 2.jpg
Thanks for that, still extremely similar, also my pharmacy has the bags stapled shut, and my name and address over the fronts of the boxes so unfortunately not easy to see.

I've spoken with my pharmacy and they do agree the boxes need to be made clearer as they are extremely busy... And short staffed.. To be fair to them they did find my 2 boxes and sorted it out there and then.
Plus Abbott are sending a replacement.
My prescription is for 2 Freestyle Libres, but one time my pharmacy issued Freestyle Libre 2s. I didn't notice the error until I got home so I used them. But I told the pharmacy staff to double check next time.

I always check at the counter, but this is the difference in packaging.
View attachment 21086
Interesting that my Libre boxes are slightly different to the one you posted above..... Shall we play "Spot the difference?"
Mine are like yours, @rebrascora, in just 2 languages(except that they say Libre 2).
My pharmacy made the same mistake a few months ago, @Matt_IOW_T1 and stuck the label over the bit where the 2 should have been, so I didn’t notice til I’d put the sensor on.
I use a reader, and the Libre 2 reader won’t read Libre 1 sensors, so I got a message saying it was incompatible. Fortunately I then looked at the box closely and realised what had happened, dug out my old Libre 1 reader and did without the alarms for a couple of weeks.
I mentioned it to the pharmacist, and now I unstaple the bag and look in it before I leave the pharmacy.
Thanks @rebrascora, you are correct, there are differences, the main to look for are the red or blue text boxes on the front.
Red for 1s and blue for 2s
Screenshot_20220525-095945_Samsung Internet.jpg
@Benny G I was meaning the differences between your Libre 1 box and my Libre 1 box. Ie logos in different places, foreign language differences.... 3 red translations for "sensor" rather than just 2 on mine etc..... Was just a bit of fun.... although obviously the subject is very serious when people who rely on alarms are getting Libre 1 sensors without them.
Like @Robin I tend to stand at the counter and open my prescription bag and check the contents now as I hate the idea that anything which is incorrect has to be destroyed of returned once you remove it from their sight. Obviously if I got Libre 2 sensors by mistake I would still use them rather than waste them.
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