Libre 2 Sensor Error . . . try scanning again in 10 minutes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hopefully this will help someone if this happens to them. I know lots of you will already know, but maybe someone new to the sensors could benefit.

I’ve had this message every so often on several sensors, usually it resolves itself when scanning after 10 minutes, sometimes on the second attempt, I.e. after 20 minutes. It’s important to wait at least 10 minutes before re-scanning, otherwise another scan within the 10 minute window just resets the timer and you have to wait yet another 10 minutes before re-scanning.

Yesterday I got this message, waited 10 minutes and tried again. Same error message. Kept trying every 10 minutes and was about to replace the sensor (which would have been a shame as it was only 5 days old) when I remembered something on Abbott’s sensor online form which said that you need to give the sensor 2 hours of trying before giving up. So, I continued waiting and checking until 2 hours had passed and lo and behold the sensor started scanning ok once again!

A quick tip on how to see the time the sensor was giving errors, on the LibreLink app, go into Help > Event Log and it will show you all the errors along with the time it happened. This makes it much easier to see when it first started giving the error so you can wait the full 2 hours before giving up on the sensor.


Interestingly I fired up Shuggah during this error period and it struggled to get a reading but did eventually start again just before the end of the 2 hour period. So this would suggest an issue with the sensor itself perhaps rather than the LibreLink app.

Anyway, hope this has been useful for anyone experiencing the same issues!
I keep on getting this problem, Abbott have replaced three sensors in the last four weeks, Tried to start new sensor over at least six hours but no difference. Useful if Abbott suggested waiting two hours before telling me to replace sensor. Trouble is now without a usable sensor as delivery takes a few days and GP only issues two per 28 days even though most don't last for 14 days (usually 10 or 12).
Anybody had any luck getting more that two each month from their GP?
Anybody had any luck getting more that two each month from their GP?
I did last Christmas when the pharmacy mistakenly put in two requests for me. I thought the GP would have queried it and refused one of them but they didn’t so I luckily now have a couple of sensors as a buffer in case of issues. I guess it depends on how good/rigorous the GP surgery or health centre is over these things. By rights they should only be issuing 2 per 28 day period.

It may be worth talking to your GP and explain the situation as they could prescribe an extra one for you perhaps?
Yes I will give it a try. Think I have only ever had three sensors that lasted the full 14 days.
When you say they are not lasting the full 14 days, what is happening?
The scan again in 10 mins message usually means that your BG levels are fluctuating too much for the algorithm in the app to predict your current level with any degree of certainty, so it wants to wait for more data. It is not generally an issue with the sensor unless it is coming loose which should be obvious, although Abbott generally just offer to replace the sensor as a default response.
Is your app fully up to date and how erratic are your levels? If they are coming unstuck, then we can suggest solutions for you to try.
I don't get a scan again message, just a message to start new sensor. BG levels are fairly stable, sensor is not loose just not working. With a new sensor i scan, wait 60 minutes to stabilise (as instructed) then hopefully it works - sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't so then start yet another sensor (if I have one, if not then back to finger pricks!) Abbott says the app I have should work ok.
If your sensors are not lasting 14 days you should phone libre for a replscement.

So, if your sensor fails on day 10, you get a 14 day replacement, and that way will soon build up a small buffer/ reserve. Best to phone abbot and ensure replacement on way nefore removing old sensor if it is anyway still working.

But, yes, libre sends itself into a tizzy when things get 'interesting'. I recommend dexcom g6 if you are elible, it works very well for me
The replacements for failed sensors are free. You will need at least 3 comparisons with finger prick if readings are off.
Readings are generally right, trouble is I cannot guarantee that the sensor will work at all. I know replacement is free but it’s more hassle and delay which I don’t need.
Why can’t Abbott come clean and admit these things have problems and are not as reliable as they should be?
Blood testing is certainly much better and easier than testing was when I was first diagnosed in the 1960’s when urine testing at home was the only way. Anybody else remember Clinitest tablets, test tubes and droppers?
I know its a bit of a hassle, but it is a way of getting yourself a buffer, and if you don't the nhs is paying for failed sensors, especially if you get extra prescribed, that or you are putting yourself at potental risk by going sensorless.
I agree it shouldn't happen. Abbot has some improbements to make in my opinion
The process of getting a libre replaced is pretty easy in my experience, you may even be able to report electronically though i am a little bit out of data on libre issues...i think you can do it via the app
Anybody had any luck getting more that two each month from their GP?
I have twice found myself on the verge of being sensorless (more frequently I can be senseless!) and politely appealed to my GP for help. On both occasions I got 2 extra sensors and consequently have built up a tiny buffer.
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