Libre 2 Sendor not picking up Hypo readings

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Guys
I have recently started to use Libre 2 sensors and have experienced the sensors not picking up on Hypo level readings 3-1 3.2 on two occasions

What could be causing that ?

Thank you.

Rob Haynes
Hi Guys
I have recently started to use Libre 2 sensors and have experienced the sensors not picking up on Hypo level readings 3-1 3.2 on two occasions

What could be causing that ?

Thank you.

Rob Haynes
Hello Rob @Haynsey,

Could you provide a little more detail about your T2 diabetes:
How long have you been T2 and what was your last HBa1c?​
What medications are you on?​
Were these low readings found by finger prick tests with a Glucose Test Meter?​
What symptoms did you experience at the times of these 2 low readings?​
With a few more clues we might be able to suggest some explanation.
Hi Roy! Are you using a Reader or a Smartphone and if a phone which one and OS?. There is a definite issue with Android 14 which seems as carpy Window's Vista, Windows 8 and Windows 11. I had no issues using Libre with Android 11 and 13 but since going to Android 14 I have suffered fairly frequent signal loss and less often low (fortunately I get hypo symptoms) or high alarms. Often rebooting the phone helps but only for a few days! )
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