Libre 2 - Query on Systems Training

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just about to go onto Libre 2 and I have to attend an online FreeStyle Libre 2 System Training session. Do I have to wait until the training session to apply the sensor or will everyone have applied it by the time of the training....and I will be left behind !?

There is no clue in the pre-training information

Thanks if anyone can help

There is no clue in the pre-training information
I'd guess there'll be a mixture in that case.

I'm sure they won't be surprised if there are people who haven't applied a sensor and will be ready to handle that, but I'm also sure they won't be surprised that some will already have started.
Just about to go onto Libre 2 and I have to attend an online FreeStyle Libre 2 System Training session. Do I have to wait until the training session to apply the sensor or will everyone have applied it by the time of the training....and I will be left behind !?

There is no clue in the pre-training information

Thanks if anyone can help

When I did my course, there were a mix of people who'd been self funding, so had one on, but were doing the course as a condition of getting it prescribed, and those who were starting out, but hadnt received their first sensor yet.
I hadn’t applied mine when I did the course. There was no problem with this. Some had, some hadn’t - either through choice or because they wanted to wait.
Of the course i did they took you through inserting it, setting up app etc. To be honest, most of it you could have done yourself, and when i moved over to dexcom i just read the instructions. Nevertheless, if its your first cgm, i'd recommend having training, its reassuring to have someone making sure you do it right.
Cgms are game changers, so any hicccups, just stick with it, it will be worth it
Of the course i did they took you through inserting it, setting up app etc. To be honest, most of it you could have done yourself
Same as me, they basically went through the same stuff that was in the instructions, which I had already read. They did show a video explaining how to apply the sensor, so I did it after the course. I'm sure you will be fine if you choose to wait as well.

If I remember well the most important bit of information they gave us was the code for our diabetes team (we were all from the same hospital) so we could share our data with them via LibreView.
If I remember well the most important bit of information they gave us was the code for our diabetes team (we were all from the same hospital) so we could share our data with them via LibreView.
And, even more importantly, point out where to put this code. (It'll probably take a few minutes of searching otherwise.)
Just about to go onto Libre 2 and I have to attend an online FreeStyle Libre 2 System Training session. Do I have to wait until the training session to apply the sensor or will everyone have applied it by the time of the training....and I will be left behind !?

There is no clue in the pre-training information

Thanks if anyone can help

its up to you, mine was a mix. it will take a couple of weeks to get it on prescription as they wont send the letter to the gp untl the day of the training. so either put it on now and accept a gap after the sensor or wait till the training
My online training was not just done from a distance but done at my time of choosing and with automated monitoring by Freestyle. It was all very simple, thoroughly dumbed down and the only mildly confusing thing was that in a couple of places they used different terms in the video from what was displayed on the Reader screen. Subsequently I realised they were referring to the App on a phone not the Reader. Presumably there could be 3 permutation: their Reader, an android phone app and an ios app.

I'd already seen some of the training videos previously, direct from Abbotts sales and promotional material.

If I remember correctly the sequence of screen pages was also different between the Reader and the android app, so that mildly added to the confusion.

There is frequent comment on this forum about the several limitations to Libre in general and Libre 2 specifically. I don't recall Freestyle telling me about any of the limitations, only how brilliant Libre 2 was. If that is still their practice I recommend once you are set up and working that you tak an extra 45-60 minutes and do a search in this forum (top right magnifying glass on this screen) for the "limitations of Libre 2". This will greatly help you manage your expectations!
Our training showed the video from libre with the little train going over hills which clearly illustrated the time lag between interstitial fluid and blood glucose. Seemed pretty up front to me
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