Libre 2 or Dexcom


Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all. My teenage son currently uses a libre 2 sensor. We've had a few problems with it lately and was wondering if anyone uses the Dexcom sensors instead of Libre. I'd just like to see a comparison on what people think is better. I know the libre 3 is out now but not available on NHS yet.
The problem with looking at "what is better?" is that it is what is best for your body.
Many people sing the praises of Dexcom but I experienced a 50% failure rate and, even when it did work, it was not very accurate for me.
The other thing to consider is whether your phone is supported - Dexcom app is supported on less phones and, if not supported, it will not install.

If your phone is supported by Dexcom, I would recommend asking your DSN to trial Dexcom One to see if it suits your son.

The other thing to consider is that Abbott are slowly rolling out Libre 2+ which is said to be more accurate than Libre 2 so you could get the prescription changed to that.
Thanks. I think it's more my son is getting a bit frustrated because a lot of times he is in range 6-8 then his sensor loses reception for half an hour or so and when it finally connects again his alarm goes off because he's low.
I have only ever used the original Libre and then Libre 2 and they both work really well for me but you do need to have an understanding of the quirks and limitations of CGM (Constant Glucose Monitoring) and we have a list of those limitations which I will link below.
I personally use a reader with Libre instead of the phone app and find that very reliable. I have had a couple of spells were I have tried the phone app but didn't find it worked so well for me and introduces other variables, especially when there are phone updates. There is an updated Libre2+ coming out just now to replace the Libre 2 which is supposed to be better, so it might be worth holding out for a few months until that is rolled out before trying Dexcom just in case you jump shop and find it no better.
I think perhaps the different systems perhaps suit some people's body chemistry better, so it is useful to be able to try a different CGM system, but I do also think that some issues are phone related rather than the system and some are unrealistic expectation or not fully understanding how the system works and when you need to double check it with a finger prick.

I have only ever used the original Libre and then Libre 2 and they both work really well for me but you do need to have an understanding of the quirks and limitations of CGM (Constant Glucose Monitoring) and we have a list of those limitations which I will link below.
I personally use a reader with Libre instead of the phone app and find that very reliable. I have had a couple of spells were I have tried the phone app but didn't find it worked so well for me and introduces other variables, especially when there are phone updates. There is an updated Libre2+ coming out just now to replace the Libre 2 which is supposed to be better, so it might be worth holding out for a few months until that is rolled out before trying Dexcom just in case you jump shop and find it no better.
I think perhaps the different systems perhaps suit some people's body chemistry better, so it is useful to be able to try a different CGM system, but I do also think that some issues are phone related rather than the system and some are unrealistic expectation or not fully understanding how the system works and when you need to double check it with a finger prick.

Thank you
I was having problems with libre and managed to get funding for dexcom g6
Whilst phones are limited, you can use receiver or the 'build your own dexcom' app from reddit.
I find g6 better for me than libre 2, though it only lasts 10 days and has 2 hr warm up...with libre you change on same day (eg sunday) each time but with dexcom the change day will be different each time which can be a bit if a pain.
The reddit version allows you to cusomise your start up time. I had a sensor that gave we a graph during arm up and that only actually needed about 30 min to give a good graph.
G6 is also larger, sticks out more, and is less aesthetically pleasing. But accurate readings and less time mot giving a reading make up for it
I was typing my reply when you posted above, so didn't see it until after I posted.

I think the problems with the signal dropping out may be related to a recent phone operating system update as others are experiencing this. I don't have any such problems with the reader, BUT the reader doesn't give me real time CGM, which means I have to scan my sensor with the reader each time I want a reading. This is no big deal for me even though I scan about 30 times a day. It does however scan much easier that the phone which needs more precise positioning over the sensor than the reader does. I just find the reader far more reliable and interestingly my TIR dropped by about 10% when I swapped to using the phone app. and came back up to my normal low 90s% when I resumed using the reader. To me the phone just introduces another layer of things that can go wrong with the system. Simple and reliable is my experience with the reader.
I would fully agree with @helli's observations: I had a very high failure rate with Libre 2, got moved to the original Dexcom One which was more basic but a bit better then for a short period I was self-funding the Dexcom G7; which was terrific. Fortunately for me my Hospitalnteam stepped in and took over the funding of G7.

Meanwhile the new Dexcom One+ is looking extremely good and that is comparable with Libre 2 in many ways and in the same cost bracket as Libre 2. Your son's care team have options and it is still early days for him; getting him onto a platform that he is comfortable with is probably a high priority at present.

But @helli's comment about phone compatibility is vital.

I have the Dexcom G7 hand held receiver (the equivalent of Abbotts Readers) and this is a lot better than Libre 2 Readers for many reasons: more modern, better built in features, works in parallel with a phone app and provides an instant backup reading when the phone app is not playing, and just nicer to use. If the Dex One+ Reader is similar that would be my suggestion.
As @helli says, it depends on the individual, but for me, swapping from Libre2 to Dexcom G7 was one of the best things that I’ve done diabetes-wise. The G7 is a million times more accurate than the Libre 2 for me. I know I can rely on it. I also appreciate the extra alarms. I have a G7 receiver and it only loses contact with my sensor if I leave it in the house and go to the bottom of the garden. It’s range is listed as 6 metres, I think. I love it!
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I'm on my third Libre2 sensor and I'm much impressed with them apart from the erratic disconnections. Abbot replaced the second one as being "faulty" - I don't think it was, as the third one also disconnects. Just to be perverse, the first one worked perfectly but I knocked it off on day 7 on a door frame edge. I found that restarting Bluetooth on the iPhone did solve the problem, but not instantly. After the next Libre2 sensor I'm going to switch to the Dexcom One+ and see what they do. I read that it is supposed to be very accurate but I read that the newer Libre2+ is also more accurate. So it's going to be the durability of connection that may sway me.