Libre 2 LibreLink App - Total Loss of Bluetooth Connection/CGM

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello all,

Sorry if I'm the 100th person to post or ask this question, but I'm unable to get a solid answer!

Since the last LibreLink (iPhone) update I no longer receive CGM updates, have to manually scan again and the app continuously shows a bluetooth error. Is this the same for anyone/everyone else?

I did see some communication on a different forum that Abbott said they were working on an update to the app which had a lead time of 1-2 months or something, but it's becoming increasingly frustrating having previously had the new CGM capabilities and now having to manual scan again!


My son who was diagnosed very recently is on Libre 2 and uses the app on his iPhone. The first couple of sensors seemed to have good connectivity but the recent couple frequently lose connection, most recently at 4am this morning after waking us with ah hypo alert! This was bit of a concern as he is 200 miles away at University and we are quite reliant on the LibreLinkUp app for keeping track of his BG.

We assumed it was a bad sensor, but he swapped it last night after only 7 days and the problem seems to have persisted with the new one. I'm not sure if this coincides with an App update or iOS update.

Please let us know if you get to the bottom of the issue. If it keeps happening I'll ask my son to contact Abbot support.
@alstrk - just had this on Monday with a new sensor applied on Saturday, so only just over 2 days into its life. I did the usual of restarting the phone (iPhone XS Max on iOS 17.0.3) switching Bluetooth off and on, but still kept getting the signal loss message and loss of CGM and alarms.

I called Abbott on Monday and they said as I had followed the process of rebooting the phone, etc. they would assume it is a faulty sensor and replace it for me, which I’ve just received today - so a pretty efficient service! Before this one I only occasionally had the signal loss message so I’m not sure if it really was a bad sensor or just continuing flakey Bluetooth or LibreLink app?

One thing I have discovered is that if you don’t have alarms set In LibreLink then under the phone’s Bluetooth connections nothing shows up for the sensor even though CGM readings are coming through on Bluetooth ok. However, as soon as you switch on alarms a Bluetooth connection is shown to ABBOTT<sensor serial number>.

This new sensor which I started on Monday is still going ok, giving both alarms and CGM readings, so I’m just hoping the previous sensor was indeed faulty and not an issue with the phone or app!
I’m just hoping the previous sensor was indeed faulty
Things like that do happen. I had a sensor a few months ago which gave up on Bluetooth on the last day, so it read fine when I scanned it but I didn't get alarms at all. (It was just a day so I didn't bother reporting it.)
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