Libre 2 ios update

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Oh No!! Hope this one goes a bit more smoothly for you folks. I am so happy that I am back to using a trusty reader and don't have to worry about the chaos that might ensue with this update.... Abbott's track record does not inspire confidence!!
However. I just received a message on my tablet (as a “follower”) I use for interaction with the forum off my Android phone that picks up readings? The alert was only set for a missed reading on this tablet device.) To librelink. Picked up the phone & scanned. Let’s see what happens.

I’m used to meter testing all the time, so the odd drop out with the sensor isn’t a “killer” for me. So long as I’m informed.

Never used the Abbot reader.
I am not sure how they can win.
They are wrong if they leave the app as it is.
They are wrong if they issue an update.

I would rather they learn from previous experience and issue an update a month or so later to give them time to thoroughly test it.
Hang on, isn’t that what they are doing?
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