Libre 2 HELP please

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

I've been a Libre user for some time now and acually love the system however I've run in to a problem.

I use a PC and access the web site to download my Libre 2 reader, it recently asked me to download new drivers which I did and it now won't find my reader. I've tried numerous times, the drivers are there but its not connecting. On all previous upgrades this has never happened. I'm running Windows 8.1 if this helps.

If anyone has any technical advice I'd be grateful but please pretend you are talking to an idiot if its tech talk.

Thanks and fingers crossed someone knows the answer.
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Is everyone aware that using the Libreview website in order to download information for such as a consultant's use now seems to depend on downloading the new drivers that Martin the Spartan mentions above in #1 However it also requires your computer to have Windows 8.1 or 10. If like me you are happy to remain on Windows 7 then it would seem that access to downloading any of your Libre reader's reports is denied. Those of who do not have a compatible phone and do not wish to or can afford to incur the expense of migrating to Windows 10 will now be denied this service which has been invaluable when all consultations with a consultant who then has access to the patient's reporting has had to be via a phone since Covid arrived

I have reported the problem to Abbott who has confirmed today that I need to migrate to Windows 8.1 or 10 or accept that in future only I can see my reporting. My link with the area Diabetes Multi Disciplinary Team and my consultant is denied me

There must be others amongst us who use Windows 7 who are affected or so I would have thought. Is Diabetes U.K. aware of this change imposed by Abbott, I wonder?

It worked fine until early December when I submitted my last report. Abbott in its reply to me has given no reasons why it decided that new drivers were needed, nor why Windows 7 is not good enough any longer

Nor can I see any way of simply ignoring the new drivers. Either you download them but need Win 8.1 or 10 to do so or you forego this facility of sharing your information

I need to add that it does not prevent your access or your GP/consultant's access to your already existing information

Can I finally ask has anyone still on Win7 successfully been able to download their reports in the last few days? I cannot give an actual date when Abbott made its change as it does not say but it has to be post Dec 8th 2021 which was when I uploaded my last set of data

Windows 7 Support ended nearly two years ago.
Therefore, it is getting no security fixes.
I would recommend using an out of support operating system only if you never intend to use it off line
Given LibreView data is stored in the cloud, it cannot be used offline.

I fully understand why Abbott has stopped updates for this.

As frustrating as it must be, using a system which is susceptible to any viruses for 2 years should be avoided.
Thanks for the replies, pointing out the potential problems for me, the user, in remaining with Windows 7 but what isn't clear to me is what problems it poses for Libre that necessitates the removal of Windows 7 in the last 2 weeks? Given that as one of the replies says that Windows 7 support ended nearly two years ago then I wonder why until a matter of about 2 weeks ago Libre did allow me to use the previous drivers to download my information?

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