Libre 2 - HbA1c Prediction

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was wondering how accurate people found this? After a week it is predicting a drop of over 10!
My DSN said the Libre estimates are usually fairly close to blood test result, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed as for me it would be drop from 58 to 40. Not sure I can quite believe that! Next blood test should be sometime in March, so will wait and see then.
Nowhere near as far as I'm concerned - but there again it often says eg. 3.6 so I test my BG using the Accu-Chek meter that's paired with my pump - and that says eg 6.5. I usually don't think I am hypo anyway, cos I still have proper symptoms when I am. Still - I religiously test anyway cos how on earth could I relax if I was hypo and hadn't treated it!
I found a1c on libre close to lab test a1c
I only used one Libre 2 but prior to going haywire (it spent 3 days reading ultra low) it was estimating 35-36, the same as MySugr was estimating from a full 3 months of data. My actual HbA1c a few weeks later was 39
The more data you gather with Libre the more accurate it is likely to be, so just one week or two isn't really enough to iron out variables in my opinion. If you are looking at an estimate of 3 months of Libre data then I used to find it was estimating 3-5mmols below actual result but that was likely because the Libre 1 typically gave me readings about 1mmol below my actual BG. With Libre 2, I am finding it is closer to my finger prick readings and usually only out by 0.2-0.5mmols out so hopefully the prediction will be even closer.
I found Libre HBA1C estimate was 10 lower than the lab blood test.
This happened more than once for me.

I felt the difference was too much to see as my "real" HBA1C but not useless. The Libre estimated HBA1C was useful to track for improvements but I saw it as a different measurement to the "real" test.
Last couple have been virtually identical. Much closer estimate for me with Libre 2 than Libre 1.
Last couple have been virtually identical. Much closer estimate for me with Libre 2 than Libre 1.
I’m really hoping my blood test results will match my Libre 2 - that would be fantastic, but I’ll go with any reduction on what it was before starting on the Libre 2 back in July!
I was wondering how accurate people found this? After a week it is predicting a drop of over 10!
After a week it’s only got a weeks worth of data so you can’t expect it to give the same estimated 3 month average as a blood test of 3 months actual blood results
My most recent HbA1c result was 50, whereas the predicted value was 46. This is pretty typical for me and does not surprise me, given that each sensor (Libre or Dexcom) seems to be slightly different and even different batches/boxes test strips can vary in terms of accuracy.

So I aim to keep the predicted value around 45 or thereabouts and focus more on my Time In Range. I try to keep my AGP graph as flat as possible and centred around an average glucose value of 7.5. That way there's a fair chance of my actual HbA1c coming in at 50 +/- 1.

So far, that strategy is working for me (see attached).


I was wondering how accurate people found this? After a week it is predicting a drop of over 10!
I recently changed from Libre 1 to Libre 2. Libre 1 could be 1 - 2 ml inaccurate, Libre 2 was 2 - 4 ml inaccurate about 20% of the time. Each time it showed a higher level than my blood test. I found it was a bit too much like a 'lucky dip' with accuracy so abandoned all hope (I'd have spent half my life in hypo if I took notice of it). Sad - I really liked Libre 1.
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