Libre 2 eventually

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well today I'm off to be fitted with my libre 2 and my results as to if I am type 1 as thought, been waiting three weeks, they dont hurry apparently, trying to think what I should be asking her when I'm there for example , do I eat and inject as I do now, can I be more flexible regarding what and when I eat, really thankful that I'm getting it so wanting to make the most of it. Thanks for reading.
Well today I'm off to be fitted with my libre 2 and my results as to if I am type 1 as thought, been waiting three weeks, they dont hurry apparently, trying to think what I should be asking her when I'm there for example , do I eat and inject as I do now, can I be more flexible regarding what and when I eat, really thankful that I'm getting it so wanting to make the most of it. Thanks for reading.
Hi good luck. Are you on insulin just now? If so what kind? The libre is great for checking your levels and remember to set your alarms! Let us know how you get on.
Hi good luck. Are you on insulin just now? If so what kind? The libre is great for checking your levels and remember to set your alarms! Let us know how you get on.
Tresiba morning, novorapid breakfast, dinner, tea.
How do you find NR? I changed to Fiasp 2 weeks ago as NR was just taking too long to bring BG down. Approx 4 hours before I could eat anything else. Are you still on fixed amounts or do you control your own insulin? I was started on Tresiba at first but was changed to Levemir morning and night. I do take a lot more at night than day time as my BG still rises through the night and when I wake.
I carb count at the moment so still trying to work it all out myself.
How did it go? I had the tests in February, have had the results but will be at least June till I can speak to the doctor to find out my type
Well that didn't go to plan, recieved my libre 2 and a Gluco Rx HCT blood glucose and keytone monitoring system, then was told that my results confirmed Type 1, just have to test your blood pressure etc whilst here and I will explain it all
235/125 was my reading so I spent all afternoon in my local A nd E, had everything checked and eventually it came down enough to come home, so tomorrow I'm back at my doctors to get pressure and bloods checked again and probably a change in blood pressure medication then hopefully back to diabetic nurse, nothing straightforward.
Wow! That is scary high. Hope they get things more stable and normal soon. Were you anxious about the appointment?

So pleased you have got Type 1 confirmed and will hopefully now get the support you need to manage things well.
Have you got the Libre fitted yet or did that not happen with your BP being through the roof!
Hopefully fitted tomorrow, got appointment with nurse at my GPs in morning to recheck my pressure and make some adjustment to my blood pressure medication.
Hi I feel your pain my BP goes through the roof at hospital or doctors. White coat syndrome! Are you on any meds for BP? Good you have your T1 diagnosis and best of luck. It’s amazing how many people out there who think they are T2 and struggling only to realise it’s T1.
How did it go? I had the tests in February, have had the results but will be at least June till I can speak to the doctor to find out my type
That’s a long wait @Lucyr hope you are doing ok. Do you know why there is a wait?
Well I'm up and running so to speak, done a few readings, easy enough,
My phone if not being used goes to sleep so to speak, if I then pick it up and scan libre doesn't work , I have to reboot so to speak my phone as if I'm going to call some one before I can scan, what happens through the night if its in sleep mode.
what happens through the night if its in sleep mode.
You won’t get alarms if your phone is in do not disturb mode, either don’t set that at night or set libre as an exception to it
My phone if not being used goes to sleep so to speak, if I then pick it up and scan libre doesn't work , I have to reboot so to speak my phone as if I'm going to call some one before I can scan, what happens through the night if its in sleep mode.
The phone will lock itself and the screen will go dark (or nearly dark, perhaps just showing the time or something), so you do need to unlock it before scanning. I think what happens overnight or in other similar situations depends on the phone. I think sometimes LibreLink will ask for permission to override settings which might cause alarms not to work, but as @Lucyr says you should be able to do it yourself if necessary. (Though it's not always that easy to find the right settings.)
Well the alarm certainly works, was woken at 1.30 to a low blood sugar alarm.... 3.9 immediately took 4 x fast acting glucose chews,walked downstairs , finger pricked and I was 4.6, all in about 5 minutes, do the glucose chews work that quick or is my libre wrong regarding readings, do I treat as nearly a hypo, any advice appreciated.
The sensors are prone to what are referred to as "Compression lows". This is where when you apply pressure to the sensor for any length of time, like lying on it in your sleep, it compresses the tissue underneath and that leads to it reading artificially low. You should always test before treating a hypo unless you feel obviously hypo which I know doesn't always happen when you wake up in the middle of the night. My test kit is always by the bed but generally if you wake up lying on that side or your graph shows a reasonably straight line and then a dip, those are often tip offs that it might be a compression low. Gradually my body seems to have subconsciously learned not to lie on the sensor arm during the night perhaps in the same way you learn not to roll out of bed, even in a strange bed or environment like an hotel. Placing the sensor more round to the back of your arm helps too. Did your levels shoot up significantly higher after the 4 chews? Again that will be another indication although obviously you expect them to go up after a hypo treatment, but perhaps a bit beyond what you would expect in this case.
Almost sure I wasnt

I set my low alarm at 5.5. This gives one a chance of preventing hypo's rather than dealing with them. If I get a 5.5 and a downward arrow I treat then. No point in having any unnecessary hypo's. That is just one of the amazing benefits of the libre 2.
Well your levels certainly headed skywards afterwards!! Is that normal for you? I suppose you don't know yet with Libre being so new to you.
That is a massive drop from a BG of 10 around 11pm down to the red line at 1.30. Which basal do you use? A very long acting basal like Tresiba or Toujeo perhaps?

I wonder if this might be a genuine hypo when your levels have dropped so significantly right from what I assume is bedtime and then gone massively high afterwards. Hopefully another night or two of graphs will give you a better idea of whether this is a regular pattern.
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