I started the omnipod 5 on 10th Dec, I had been on the libre 2+ for a few months and had no issues with the connect to the app. However once on the omnipod 5 HCL you will see all my moaning posts on here about how I could only get them to connect if worn very closely together on the same side or same part of my body, and I was basically only using my arms or back, bottom. If I used anything but my arm the signal was so poor, still worked enough back and bottom, but stomach was no longer a site and my legs again varied. Insulet where no help (I need to log a complaint). I was really restricted with my sites and had to be in manual mode for over 2 weeks (I counted 16 total days, plus loads of extra hours) in 3 months, spilt out across the time frames. Onmipod said they wouldn't replace any pods that wouldn't connect and advised me to wear the libre 2+ in other locations than my arms, which is against libre/abbot's advice. I am only slight so limiting my sites is not good for site rotation and was impacting my skin / body. As you say its not obvious always that they have stopped working together.
I started on the Dexcom 6 on 28th Feb and it has been great so far, used my legs, arms, stomach for the pod and it works 100%. I also prefer the phone app, and can get my glucose on my iwatch via an actual Dexcom app, not the manual multi app set up for the libre. I really recommend the change based on my experience.
If switching is an option I would say do it as soon as you can, waste no time, otherwise he's on a manual pump which isn't the point in the Omnipod 5. And missing hypos is dangerous. I was having to check regularly that the system was working which was actually a step back to pre libre 2. The mental load and effort on my part increased.
The 7 would be even better.
You can have the libre phone app set up too, it won't give you the alerts but you can still scan the sensor for a reading, and works even if the pod, pdm cannot see the libre, the phone will if the sensor is working. Set up the libre with the pod on the pdm first and then scan the sensor. Saves the fingers. My husband suggested trying it when I was having issues on Christmas day, and thankfully it worked, so still in manual mode without the connection but not back to finger testing.
I hope you get this sorted, the tech is great when it works.