Libre 2 and low temperatures

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello, I started using the Libre 2 last week. Was really keen to monitor my BG while out running, but the sensor won't provide readings because the temperature is too low. On Saturday it was around 5C and snowing at one point, but yesterday was 11C and still a problem, admittedly several heavy rain showers which dropped the local temperature a little. I run in a short sleeved top whatever the weather, so the sensor is exposed to the air.

Is this normal for the Libre, or do I have a dodgy one? Apart from the cold shutdowns it seems to be working fine, and readings are close to my GlucoRx meter.

I've found straps and patches that protect the Libre from physical shock in contact sports and prolonged immersion, but not found anything that would protect from wind chill or insulate from low ambient temperatures. Does such a thing exist?

Must confess I have considered making a fleece cover/arm band for mine as I have had this problem but i have just taken to wearing a long sleeved top instead which helps unless it is really cold. If you have warm hands, you can revive it to do a scan by holding your hand over it for a couple of minutes, which is doable whilst walking but more awkward when running and obviously if you don't have warm hands it's no good. 🙄
Would a bit of tube grip work. You can cut it to the length so it covers with a double layer and it is reusable.
I might have some tube grip. Will give that a try to start with.
I tried pressing the sensor into my side, cupping with (fairly cold) hand, and blowing on it, but nothing warmed it up!

Looking forward to getting this working, or maybe just slightly warmer weather. I have found out how to display the latest BG reading on my running watch, and set up alarms for low or rapidly dropping BG.
Sure it's sensor & not reader, know some bg meters won't work in cold temps, had few like that.
Sure it's sensor & not reader, know some bg meters won't work in cold temps, had few like that.
It is definitely the sensors for me. I think the button batteries are just more prone to the cold than rechargeable ones in phones and readers. As I have mentioned, I always have warm hands so if I put my hand over the sensor for a few mins, I can get a reading off it and the reader works fine whereas I have to put my BG meter down my bra for 5 mins to get a reading from it in the cold. It is one of the reasons why I am hoping to swap my Caresens test strips for the Libre ones because the reader is more reliable in the cold.
It is definitely the sensors for me. I think the button batteries are just more prone to the cold than rechargeable ones in phones and readers. As I have mentioned, I always have warm hands so if I put my hand over the sensor for a few mins, I can get a reading off it and the reader works fine whereas I have to put my BG meter down my bra for 5 mins to get a reading from it in the cold. It is one of the reasons why I am hoping to swap my Caresens test strips for the Libre ones because the reader is more reliable in the cold.

Probably been using libre for 5 years now & never had issue with cold effecting ability to scan, unlike bg meters of past, then would stick under arm to warm up.
Probably been using libre for 5 years now & never had issue with cold effecting ability to scan, unlike bg meters of past, then would stick under arm to warm up.
Do you walk or run or work outside in winter with bare arms? That is the only time I have problems with the sensor getting cold and not working..
Do you walk or run or work outside in winter with bare arms? That is the only time I have problems with the sensor getting cold and not working..

Walk fair bit but wrap up warm when cold, was recently ripping out conifer bushes & old tree stumps with just t shirt on & will wash car same, so not out in cold a lot with bare arms but never had any issues with cold over last 5 years.

Only error messages I get is scan again in 10mins when bg is changing fast or when not holding phone correctly to sensor, other than that don't have any issues with device, can't remember last time I reported a sensor.
@iharding Have you tried putting your sensor somewhere else which will be under your t-shirt and a bit warmer?
Libre are only approved for use on arms but I know a number of people who use them elsewhere (such as on their chest) with no issues.
@helli still on my first sensor. I might try somewhere else, but don't have much padding. Anywhere around the chest is probably going to hit a rib!
@iharding Dexcom are usually warn on the belly area so you could try a Libre there. Like you, I don't have much padding on my chest but I have a little more (not a spare tyre amount but some) on my belly.
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I bought a tube grip knee support, cut off a section to make a double-thickness arm band over the Libre. I was running for nearly four hours yesterday and no temperature drop outs. Weather not quite as cold as last week, but still a bit of a chill to the air in the shade.
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