Libre 2 and faulty android app

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Hello all

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
just incase anyone else is having trouble with the android app and Libre 2; after always having had trouble scanning the sensor and blaming myself I have at last been told that the app is having trouble and they are doing everything to resolve the situation. I was sent 2 replacement sensors and after a third phone call a new reader, and the difference is incredible, and SO much more accurate and scans so easily; hope that helps someone! still don't know if its resolved yet (this was a week ago)
So pleased they have sent you a reader and it is working well for you.
Lots of people have had problems with the app. particularly after updates. I have only ever used the reader and find it works brilliantly for me so I am loath to download the app and use my phone. I like the ease of use with the reader and reliability and it's nice small size.
But for those of us who always have our phone (because I listen to podcasts a lot) there's a convenience in having the phone also be able to provide our BG.
I too am a phone app appreciator.
I always have my phone with my for my pump, emails, podcasts, sat nav, ... I was surprised when the phone rang recently. So prefer not to carry the reader with me.
I appreciate the reader can be used as a finger prick meter but it is much bigger and clunkier than my usual meter.
ROFL at @helli and the surprise communication by telephone - what amazing technology indeed! - whereas though I'm always surprised at anyone bothering to ring me, I certainly don't trust a mobile phone with my health and life, it can neither communicate with my pump nor test my BG so why cart it round with me 24/365? Hence like @rebrascora, I'm happy to scan my Libre with the Reader.
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