Libre 2 alarms


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
I suspect I know the answer already but just in case I'm missing something obvious...

Is there only one high/low alarm ? I set mine relatively high but that means it often goes off at 3am or similar. So far as I can tell it won't alarm again until it goes above the alarm setting? Or if you continue to be below the alarm setting will it sound off again at some point? At the moment I'm having to wait quite a while for levels to rise or lower the alarm setting before going back to sleep.

I'm thinking about adding the app to a second device with lower settings to get around this but that seems excessive.

My partner has linked to the app but with much lower settings (mainly in case I miss it for whatever reason) but several times its not gone off. This appears to be linked to me viewing the app - If I'm in the app the alarm doesn't sound on her phone. It also a new phone though so could be a setting somewhere?

I'm on iOS and they're on Android.
I think that's right @Standup, there's only one high alarm setting you can input and the same for the low alarm setting. It'll only alarm once you come out of the range you've set. What figures have you set it to alarm at? Are your sugars often out of this range?

As far as I understand, the alarm won't go off on your partner's device when you're in the app as it's assuming you are seeing that your sugars have come out of range and therefore able to take action immediately. The LibreLinkUp is not intended to be a primary glucose monitor so it will only flag when your (primary) device hasn't responded to the alarm.
Yes, I found this a problem when I set my low alarm higher. I started off at 4.2, then set it up to 5.0 but I had more hypos because I would get distracted and forget to keep an eye on things and ended up hypo during the day or as you say, not come up high enough to reset the low alarm and I have now come down to a low setting of 4.5 which is working better but I may go back to 4.2 as I still have a tendency to wake up and treat and go back to sleep straight away and drop again before I hit 4.5 and end up low for hours. It happened last night despite 2 lots of jelly babies. I really can't be bothered to stay awake for 30 mins in the middle of the night waiting for my Libre to come back up.
Oddly my levels seem determined to flat line in the red overnight even with no evening Levemir. It doesn't bother me particularly other than making my stats look really bad. 😡
I think that's right @Standup, there's only one high alarm setting you can input and the same for the low alarm setting. It'll only alarm once you come out of the range you've set. What figures have you set it to alarm at? Are your sugars often out of this range?
The low is set at about 5.4 as when they drop it tends to be rapidly. Its more of a problem overnight as I have to stay awake for 30 mins or more for my midnight feasts to take effect. I could set it lower but that then tends to mean a cola or similar rather than crackers or a cereal bar. Its all manageable apart from the alarms. Highs are the same problem in that I also have to stay awake to make sure levels aren't continuing upwards.

Working in technology the app does feel relatively under developed but hopefully that will improve and I can understand they don't want to do continual releases because of the impact it could have on users.