Libre 2 alarms on smartwatch only?


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
T1 (LADA) since 2005, on Levemir and Novorapid, recently got Libre 2 on the NHS.

I have a tendency to go low overnight (trying some changes based on info from Libre 2), and like the fact that I can get an alarm, however the alarm on my phone is waking up my husband.

The alarms also come through to my smartwatch (iWatch version 8.6) but I can’t work out how to silence them on my iPhone whilst maintaining them on my iWatch , have tried the obvious (phone on silent, plugging in earphones to the phone jack) but it still sounds from the phone.

any ideas?
Yes, I’d already seen that one but it doesn’t actually cover the issue.

It’s more about being able to view the sensor data Ona smartwatch and/or setting up a smartwatch without an iPhone.

My issue is really specific, I want the low blood sugar alarms to notify my iWatch (as the vibration will wake me) but not to sound an alarm on my iPhone