Libra unreliable

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi I started using libra late December and I’ve totally lost confidence in it unreliable sensors and reading s are way out compared to finger pricking (I do know they lag behind but reading s can be 5 out )I’m thinking of trialing the dexcom to see if it’s better any help or information would be greatly appreciated so I’m back to constant finger pricking
I do know they lag behind but reading s can be 5 out
It does seem that some sensors just don't work well for some people. Some find that Libre doesn't work but Dexcom does, and some find it's the other way around. (There are two others that GPs can prescribe if neither of those work for you.)

(I find Libre (and now Libre 2) work fine for me but I'd certainly want to try the others if they didn't.)
Hi I started using libra late December and I’ve totally lost confidence in it unreliable sensors and reading s are way out compared to finger pricking (I do know they lag behind but reading s can be 5 out )I’m thinking of trialing the dexcom to see if it’s better any help or information would be greatly appreciated so I’m back to constant finger pricking

I found my last two or three Libre sensors were very out. They were reading like yours - way too high. However, my earlier ones had been fine.

I now have a Dexcom G7 and it’s brilliant. I’ve never used the Dexcom One so can’t comment on that model, but my G7 is incredibly accurate and also can be calibrated if needed.
That’s great to know I thought libra 2 would be so good but I have no faith in the product and it’s a waste of time wearing it at the moment I just wanted some feedback go report back to my diabetic nurse to see if I could change but I’m not on a pump so wasn’t sure if I would qualify for nhs prescription thanks for the reply
That’s great to know I thought libra 2 would be so good but I have no faith in the product and it’s a waste of time wearing it at the moment I just wanted some feedback go report back to my diabetic nurse to see if I could change but I’m not on a pump so wasn’t sure if I would qualify for nhs prescription thanks for the reply
There are four (including Libre 2) which are available on prescription by GPs (because they're about the same price) so (in theory, anyway) there shouldn't be a problem in you changing to one of the other three, if Libre 2 isn't working for you. (If there is some problem then Partha Kar would like to hear about it since they're all about the same price and have been approved for GP prescribing.)

There are more (like Dexcom G7) which can be offered only by hospital teams and for those you'd need to make an argument.
That’s great to know I thought libra 2 would be so good but I have no faith in the product and it’s a waste of time wearing it at the moment I just wanted some feedback go report back to my diabetic nurse to see if I could change but I’m not on a pump so wasn’t sure if I would qualify for nhs prescription thanks for the reply

Mine was prescribed by my consultant. I don’t know how similar Dexcom One is but I’ve found the Dexcom customer service excellent.
There are four (including Libre 2) which are available on prescription by GPs (because they're about the same price) so (in theory, anyway) there shouldn't be a problem in you changing to one of the other three, if Libre 2 isn't working for you. (If there is some problem then Partha Kar would like to hear about it since they're all about the same price and have been approved for GP prescribing.)

There are more (like Dexcom G7) which can be offered only by hospital teams and for those you'd need to make an argument.
Thanks I’ve not heard of Parthia kar and not sure what it is ?
Mine was prescribed by my consultant. I don’t know how similar Dexcom One is but I’ve found the Dexcom customer service excellent.
Thanks The more I’m hearing the dextrom is sounding more positive option
Thanks I’ve not heard of Parthia kar and not sure what it is ?
Partha Kar is one of the leading people for diabetes for NHS England
Partha Kar is one of the leading people for diabetes for NHS England
In terms of Libre (and other CGMs) I think one can argue there's an element of good luck that the prices fell, but he really ran with the opportunity that gave. And he's central in pushing the hybrid closed loop stuff.

And, once upon a time, arguing for more basic stuff:

I moved over to dexcom g6 and i think its great
..not as aesthetically pleasing as libre, not as convienient (only last 10 days and takes 2 hrs to warm up) but i trust it and its accurate and if you have problems you can calibrate. Lots of alarm options ( you can set day time alarms different from night which is really good) and variety of alarm sounds.
Not compatible with many phones but you can get a altered version of the app that has the code which makes it only work on some phones removed. Just google build your own dexcom will take you to reddit where you can get it. Sounds a bit dodgy but not had any problems with it
And no inconvenient swiping!
You only get readings every 5 min bit its really not a problem....if you need reading more than every 5 min (eg when low) you'll probably be finger pricking anyway.
They don't stick as well as libre so i suggest an overpatch
PS Partha Kar is Doctor P Kar! (not some random Indian sub continent heritage bloke who knows nuffink.) 🙂 He really got his teeth into the CGM subject, and he is very tenacious when he gets going. Doesn't hesitate to tell NHS personnel 'when they get it wrong' - an ace good chap!
I found my last two or three Libre sensors were very out. They were reading like yours - way too high. However, my earlier ones had been fine.

I now have a Dexcom G7 and it’s brilliant. I’ve never used the Dexcom One so can’t comment on that model, but my G7 is incredibly accurate and also can be calibrated if needed.
Hi Inka , hope you don't mind me asking, but how did you get the G7 , is it on prescription or do you self fund ?
Kind regards
Hi Inka , hope you don't mind me asking, but how did you get the G7 , is it on prescription or do you self fund ?
Kind regards

Prescribed by the hospital @Martin62 No way could I afford to self-fund. I’ve had a cr*p time with perimenopause and mad blood sugars and a couple of other issues too, so I was offered it. I’m very grateful and it’s made a big difference to me.
Prescribed by the hospital @Martin62 No way could I afford to self-fund. I’ve had a cr*p time with perimenopause and mad blood sugars and a couple of other issues too, so I was offered it. I’m very grateful and it’s made a big difference to me.
Sorry to hear that, but glad it's helping you get back on track x
It does seem that some sensors just don't work well for some people. Some find that Libre doesn't work but Dexcom does, and some find it's the other way around. (There are two others that GPs can prescribe if neither of those work for you.)

(I find Libre (and now Libre 2) work fine for me but I'd certainly want to try the others if they didn't.)

It's one of life's mysterys why libre works for some but not others.

Like yourself find libre works well, rarely do I report sensors.
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