Libra for type 2 on insulin?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi. Just wondering if people with type 2 on insulin are able to get libra or dexcom on prescription? I live alone and just had my first hypo due to the warm weather and concerned about not picking up soon enough that my blood sugars are too low and no-one else being around to notice.
Scotland are the only nation to prescribe the Libre to Type 2's on insulin, Type 1's struggle to get Libre at times and Dexcom is even harder to get on prescription xx
How low did you go @ClaireDiane ? Did you get no warnings? I’m the only adult in my household and Type 1 and I’ve not managed to get a Libre. I do test lots each day though, and often at night. I also am very careful not to go into the 4s too much as that can dent your awareness over time.
Hi. Just wondering if people with type 2 on insulin are able to get libra or dexcom on prescription? I live alone and just had my first hypo due to the warm weather and concerned about not picking up soon enough that my blood sugars are too low and no-one else being around to notice.
In England you have to pay for libre or dexcom if type 2 on insulin and want to use those. If you’ve only had one hypo though, is it more panic over it that is the problem? What level was your blood sugar and how did treating it go for you?
Scotland are the only nation to prescribe the Libre to Type 2's on insulin, Type 1's struggle to get Libre at times and Dexcom is even harder to get on prescription xx
l live in Scotland. To give the background to my anxiety my uncle died not long ago after having a hypo during the night and going into a coma he never woke from. My aunt & uncle he was staying with thought he was still sleeping when they left for work and it was only when they came back mid afternoon and saw he hadn’t eaten breakfast that they checked on him and called for help after they couldn’t wake him. They don’t live in the UK. Type 2 runs in my family on mum’s side. I don’t know if type 1 or 2 on my dad’s side.
The heat is causing my blood sugars to drop a lot in the evenings as was 4.1 when checked not long ago and I just felt a bit nauseous. I get migraines too and my symptoms are kind of similar if I’m in the low 4s so I can’t always immediately tell my bloods are getting too low. I have lots of other health conditions I have to manage so it’s been a big challenge dealing with starting insulin too.
Sorry to hear about your anxiety and your low BG @ClaireDiane :(

How traumatic about your Uncle. Condolences for your loss, and i can completely understand why that would have a big impact on you.

Do you adjust your own doses? Which insulin(s) are you on? I’ve had to fairly substantially ease my basal profile back since the weather warmed.
It would certainly be worth asking about but it would depend what insulin(s) you are on for a start as I'm pretty sure it's only if your on intensive insulin therapy (a basal/bolus regime requiring 4-5 injections a day) xx
So sorry to hear about your uncle @ClaireDiane That’s tragic. It’s completely understandable why that’s made you anxious. It might be worth mentioning that to see if you can get a Libre, but I’m not sure you would qualify as a Type 2.

Hypo anxiety is a terrible thing. I do get quite worried still (I had bad hypos years ago) and I think in reality I’d still worry a bit even if I had a Libre or a Dexcom. I usually get up in the night and test my blood sugar. That reassures me and allows me to sleep better. I also keep hypo treatments and snacks by my bed. I always test my blood sugar before bed and eat a snack if needed. I also eat extra if it looks like I’m tending to go low eg in this hot weather.

The good thing is you recognised you were going low (you felt nauseous). Test lots and always test if you feel ‘funny’ in any way. With the migraines, they can sometimes cause blood sugar to go low because they can affect your digestion. I try to get my medication taken in good time and I then find that helps my blood sugar too. I don’t know if you’ve been told to only test a certain number of times a day? Personally, I’d ignore that and test often, especially in the evening. That way you’re monitoring things and can be confident all’s going along ok.

If you’re having specific difficulties with your blood sugar control or have any questions at all, no matter how trivial, do ask. XX
Hi. Just wondering if people with type 2 on insulin are able to get libra or dexcom on prescription? I live alone and just had my first hypo due to the warm weather and concerned about not picking up soon enough that my blood sugars are too low and no-one else being around to notice.
Hi Claire,
I’ve just had a Libre 2 fitted today on prescription. I think you have to present a good case for one and if, in their opinion you merit it, then you get one on prescription. Good luck as I think all type 1’s and insulin dependent type 2’s should qualify. Probably best to ask your DN?
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Hi Claire,
I’ve just had a Libre 2 fitted today on prescription. I think you have to present a good case for one and if, in their opinion you merit it, then you get one on prescription. Good luck as I think all type 1’s should qualify. Probably best to ask your DN?
The OP is a Type 2 not Type 1 so even more difficult to obtain on prescription and scotland are the only nation to do so anyway xx
Hi I did edit to say type 2’s insulin dependents should have as well but mustn’t have verified my changes- sorry
Hi I did edit to say type 2’s insulin dependents should have as well but mustn’t have verified my changes- sorry
Sadly as above in England type 2 even on MDI don’t qualify for libre and typically have to not use it or self fund. It’s about £100 a month so I only use intermittently.
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